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Proofing of vasectomy procedure - Mary

Posted: Nov 19, 2009

I was wondering if someone could quickly proof and give me feedback on a vasectomy procedure.  This was a doctor with quite an accent and I am not terribly famiilar with some of the terminology for this type of procedure. 

The left vas was grasped with a towel clip through the skin and a short linear incisoni was made down to the vas and the vas was cleaned of adventitial tissue.  Cautery was used to control the bleeding of the skin and around the vas.  The proximal end of the vas leading to the prostate had a lumen (?) cauterized.  The end was cauterized as well as the vessels.  Cautery was used on the testicular end only for the adventitous vessels. The lumen was not cauterized. A fascial imposition was done with 4-0 chromic. 

it is particularly the section on the cauterization that I struggled with.  Thanks for your feedback! 


imposition - should be

[ In Reply To ..]
imposition s/b apposition, last sentence

vasectomy...sm - babs

[ In Reply To ..]
I would say fascial interposition.

Vasectomy, No Scalpel: Treatment & Medication - eMedicine Clinical ... May 21, 2009 ... Suture, 4-0 (eg, chromic or polyglycolic acid [Dexon]; optional; .... Fascial interpositioning between the cut vas ends further

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