A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I did some research and it looks like the Indian MT's make - Jean

Posted: Sep 06, 2013

about $3.00 an hour!!  That's working for Nuance. 

IDK, but they also get lots of benefits that we don't, plus - me

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their cost of living is much less. India's economy is struggling now so they may get a pay cut before long.

Actually, India's had major wage inflation, but - not for our MTs, whose pay is

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tied to what foreign-based companies will pay. Thus, many around them are making far more. Of course, with wage inflation goes price inflation...

and that is why... - anon1

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Yes, and that is why the quality of their work is so bad! LOL. I hope many doctors will notice this and mention it to main companies, who will in turn bring more American MTs back with decent pay. One can only dream...right? haha

Don't you think the larger MT companies here at least - could afford to pay us 5 cpl for VR?

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I think they could but just are greedy and keeping the bulk of what they get for themselves. How do they sleep at night knowing we are starving on what they pay?

I think they justify it by thinking that we - xx

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agreed to the crappy pay. But we didn't. We were acquired along with the companies they bought out. We did not agree to pay cuts or benefit cuts or bonus cuts or increased minimum LPH or increased accuracy percentages. We did not agree to any of that BS. We were simply told about all the above during a pre-recorded "meeting" phone call which we were not allowed to comment or ask questions during and told of how "excited" they were about becoming so much more "competitive". Bunch of chicken s**t cowardly suits.

Who has the better deal? Let's do the math. - Send it all to India already

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In India the poverty level is 33 rupees a day. At $3 an hour with the dollar conversion rate they are making 1565 rupees a day, essentially 471.5% more than the poverty level of India.

For Americans the poverty level for a single person is $44.19 a day, at $58 a day minimum wage, (what most VR jobs pay) Americans are making 13% above the poverty level in the US.

In essence if they paid American MTs a comparative wage, we would be earning $34.18 an hour.

You think these companies don't know they are underpaying us? Sure they do.

How much do most MT companies get per line - while paying us 4 cpl?

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Whatever it is, I'm sure it's way too much. They all seem to just sit around and rake it in while we do all the hard labor. :(

Nuance was just awarded (no bid) a govt contract - IMANMT2

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part of the FAR clauses are buy American made. ha ha.

52.204-9 Personal Identity Verification of Contractor Personnel (Jan 2011)

They probably use you/yours.

Nuance USA contract - MT

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They will have to pay prevailing wage for the area, and a certain percentage of jobs MUST be made available to, and accommodate disabled, employees. If you get put on this account, do some research, make sure they are paying you what they are required to pay you by the terms of the contract.

Do you know the name of the account? - no message

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