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Proofing your work - Janet

Posted: Feb 24, 2010

Yikes, I am glad I proof my work.  The physician dictated "palpation reveals a firm mass";  I had typed "firm mass (but without the M in mass)".   I am relieved that I caught it!

proofing - anon

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LOL! Thank you so much for the morning laugh.

It was that repeated-m sequence that - almost got you.

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I've noticed this phenomenon before, especially with really fast typist where the second of two repeated letters doesn't get picked up , even with an intervening space. I think it's probably a bit of a timing/keyboard thing.

I've made auto corrections for such words - Tired&CrankyMT

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to try to ensure that I don't miss the m in mass, that I type cough instead of couch, lobe instead of love, did instead of die and for when I get really tired and my brain jumbles my fingers and they start hitting the keys in any old order, the letters s...h...i...t will correct to read properly as "this."

Can you imagine...Right lower love pneumonia. The patient has a couch for 1 week. Eek lol

That was PRICELESS! LOL !!!! ;D - nm - Zircon

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I learned the hard way... - Proof and RE-proof

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When I first started MTing, maybe two weeks after I had started, I was using my new 'auto correct' type program.

I had created a bunch of abbreviations such as WF = white female, WM = white male, BF = black female, and BM = Well of course, bowel movement!

One day, I was in my doctor's office where I work, and she brings to me the report I typed the day before, and she is rolling on the floor laughing at me.

Dictated: 48-year-old black male presents to office...

Transcribed: 48-year-old bowel movement presents to office...

Sixteen years later, she is still giving me a hard time about this!

The moral of the story: 1)Proof your work, and 2) Be careful what abbreviations you use and how they might accidentally expand. ;-)

Love it!! - Janet

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