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Anyone transition to MT/Editor to copy proofing or editing non-medical? - Tink

Posted: Mar 09, 2015

Just wondering if anyone has been able to cross over to that field?  I'm currently working on my first proof/editing job for a novel written by a family member for free as a favor to them and really enjoy that type of work versus the structured MT/Editor work I've done for over a decade.  I would love to get out of MT all together if possible and was wondering if any of you were able to make that transition.  Thanks in advance!

It depends - sm

[ In Reply To ..]
If you can work at a small publishing company or for an individual, I am sure it would be a smooth transition. You might want to get a copy of the book of Chicago style for writing (I think that's the name of it). Grammar for particular writing styles differ, and that would be a big help.

I have looked around for copyediting jobs before, but most places want an English degree, so you might have a hard time getting your foot in the door, but it might be worth a shot!

Thank you - sm - Tink

[ In Reply To ..]
My family member says he will try and promote me within the authors carried by his publisher after his book goes to print, so he's hoping to send some more work to me that way. I have nothing close to an English degree, though!

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