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Pick Research Solutions - wondering

Posted: Jul 13, 2013

Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if any of you have ever heard of a company called Pick Research Solutions.  It looks like they are paying 1 dollar per audio minute, and I have never done audio minutes before.  It looks like the job I would be doing is transcribing one-on-one telephone interviews at about 45 minutes in length.  I really don't know how long it would take me to do it, but I do know that I type 80+ words per minute, but more importantly, the question is if anyone has ever heard of them? 


Thank you!

Keep in mind 45 min takes about 3 hours - depending on -

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audio quality. Unfortunately, there could be cell phones involved and then it can take longer because of poor sound quality. I will say that $1.00 an a/m isn't bad to start off with. One of the far better starting rates I've seen for GT for newcomers lately.

Thank you so much. NM - wondering

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