A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

3000 jobs out of TAT - Seriously?

Posted: Dec 23, 2013

Anyone else on one of two teams getting a message that a client has over 3000 jobs out of TAT?  Seriously?  And of course they want us to "jump on and clear them out."

How does one get to 3000 jobs out of TAT? 

No, I don't want to help you clear those jobs.  And honestly, I hope that all the employes trained on that account all quit at once!  But I'm sure when I run out of work tomorrow and Wednesday, you'll have me in there working on an account I'm not familiar with and I'm sure you'll conveniently not be typing in there! 

3000 jobs out of TAT - 7th child

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THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG! I have been doing this for 23 years. I have NEVER seen this much work at Christmas! I KNOW that people want to meet their deductible but cmon, it's more than that! There is a TON of work on my account too. They want a commitment of how much time we are willing to put in. I have 18 people coming to my house for Christmas and even though I ASKED well before the time I was supposed to, my boss said sorry, she cant give me the time off, too many people are off, I need to check for work between 1 and 4 (and said it like she was giving me a Mercedes!) and NOW I KNOW there will be work.

3000 jobs out of TAT - The problem is

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they have requisitions for 500 jobs because so many people have quit.

Don't know if I understand. - Seriously?

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I'm sorry. I don't know if understand what you're saying.

Requisitions? As in, they're trying to offload 500 jobs to another MTSO because so many people have quit? Is there some clearinghouse I'm not aware of that is open to the public (I'm asking because I'd love to check this out from time to time).

I do hope that lots of people quit. I know that my account has more work on it than 6 months ago, so either people quit or got moved around.

I'd be out the door too if I had A) a sure-fire option to move into and B) didn't need to work from home so bad!
500 requisitions - sm
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My understanding of the requisitions from what my PM says is that they have 500 open slots for people that they have requisitions in to fill. Meaning they need to hire 500 people (company-wide not just in the states).
500 open positions and this is a surprise? Probably all - MT spots, as bad as they suck. nm
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1 and 4? - Seriously?

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Did she say 1 and 4 because that's your shift or because that's when she expects work to come in?

Is this your first Christmas with Nuance? Last year they wouldn't let me off either. I had enough PTO and asked well before it showed up as blacked out, but was told that others had asked before me. I don't believe that, but I was also told that I would need to be around because we definitely would have work.

I had 1 job. One. I actually left my software open to see if anything else would download, knowing I was not supposed to, and NOTHING came in over 3 hours. Back then my TSM had a different policy than in the handbook for OOW, and so I had to stick around longer.

Missed my opportunity to spend time with my family. Made me so mad I almost quit on Chirstmas. But I stuck with it. Grew up in a family of RN's and NP's and CRNA's, so I was used to family members having to work on Christmas.

You know, all Nuance would have to do is write into their contracts that on these X number of holidays that we would be closed and TAT's would be extended to 48 hours. That there would be "on call MT's" to handle any true stats, which would be billed at 4 times the normal rate. Granted, ER and emergency OP notes and such might be needed immediately, but everything else could be picked up later. There is NEVER enough work for at least a week following a major holiday, so it's not like we couldn't catch up! I'd truthfully rather work 2 hours over the days after Christmas than work Christmas!

(The above is what the small company I used to work for did, and the boss was the one on call. She said she would get about 2 reports they were willing to pay the 4 times the rate for, and that's it. And usually those were life/death situations)

Hell! Give them the unedited speech recognition and let them edit them if they need them so bad.

Sorry, just really really frustrated!

Lucky one - new but old

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I guess I should count my blessings because I actually do have it off. I requested it about 6 weeks ago or so. Now I have never asked for nor taken a holiday before in the last 3 years. I always work my schedule feast or famine but this year my family and I have had a lot of upheaval with divorce etc. and it was very important that I had time Christmas morning to spend with my kids (even though they are college age and on their own). I have a second job and will be working that Christmas night but that's okay as long as I have the day off. I am sorry for those of you who got turned down. I do hope that at least if you're stuck working it that you at least have work to do. I had plenty over Thanksgiving and was shocked that there was so much work.

I think a bunch of people have quit - - Ellie

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from the recently acquisitioned companies. I know that since at least August (the month we found out we were bought by Nuance) we have only gotten only a handful of emails asking for help. But in the past week, since we have officially been transitioned to Nuance, it is an almost daily cry for help. I'm guessing people have quit and left them high and dry. There is no other reasonable explanation I can think of for this much work right before Christmas.

I fully plan on taking my time off on Christmas. It was not granted to me, but I'm taking it anyway. I don't care how much work there is or isn't.

WORK - craig

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My accounts are WAY behind also, and I've gotten emails begging for help. I'm only helping now because I'm afraid there wont be work on Christmas, or the rest of the week (which happened at Thanksgiving) - and I have no PTO, so I'm sorta stuck.

I wouldn't jump on STAT either SM - MTtoo

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How have they ever bent backwards for us, to make OUR lives just a bit easier? No, we're nickel & dimed ad nauseum. So LET them get penalized or even lose an account or two ... it's not like they couldn't absorb the loss ...(lol).

I'd love to see the "shoe on the other foot" for a change.

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