A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Will we all be out of jobs? - Mountain typer

Posted: Dec 02, 2009

These eScription, Nuance, EMR, etc. posts are all very sobering.  Does anybody think that we'll all be out of jobs in 5 years, 3 years???  and will we be cut loose quickly or slowly phased out?  given enough notice?? etc.??   I think I'm getting to the point where working in a grocery store is starting to look more and more appealing.  The thing that contradicts all this is that most of the companies constantly beg for extra work, higher production, consistently 99-100% Q/A scores.  Maybe the next 2 or 3 years will be the last hurrah - I don't know.  In any case with health reform, EMR, and VR, it's all very depressing. 

Anyone got any thoughts on our longevity??

Thanks, all.


If you are afraid of the future in transcription - what I would suggest

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would be to plan ahead and not wait until the very end, if there is that very end. I do VR and also the electronic medical records issue has been in force with the place I work for years now. There are, I think, 2 different issues with the EMR, 1 being clinic work and the other is what I am talking about. The latter has not put the MTers out of work. I work on VR and absolutely love it. VR is not putting people out of work because you have to have a person out there for the corrections. VR is not 100% accurate. After so many years of working on the same system, it still has things to correct and ever so often, for whatever reason, new corrections spring up. If younger, I would suggest instead of worrying, get something else under your belt to carry you in the long run. You cannot worry about what might happen. You might get run over by a mack truck tomorrow, then what about all that worry, did it help? Oh, I do eScription and hope to continue.

MT and EMR/VR - pip

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When I do VR the amount of lines I do is equivalent to the typing lines 2-1/2 MTs would have done when it was straight typing, but now just 1 MT is needed for that amount, so yes, in that way I think VR is putting people out of work.

When VR first started it was such garbage and it was hard to imagine a computer could ever make sense of the doctor correcting himself mid sentence, to/two/too, skipping the doctor's side talk to someone else, but now VR does get all that, at least on the eScription where I work, so I really don't think it's much of a stretch of the imagination to think that someday it won't even need an editor.

I think EMR systems will phase out *most* clinic MTs (already happening) and VR will at the very least reduce the number of acute care MTs needed to do the work, if not phase them out entirely in the future. I say there are maybe 5 decent years left, if that. Some would say I'm a pessimist, I'm sure. I think I'm a realist.

I don't think we will ever wake up one day and the hospitals say all MTs are fired. A lot of MTs will all by the wayside because they can't make paychecks over the lines that are there to fight over and there will be few jobs left. Look on these boards and you can always find posts by clinic or ER MTs who lost jobs due to EMR or acute are MTs who are making peanuts because either their VR is slow or there just isn't enough work to go around.

I understand what you are saying but it - just does not apply to me

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I did not want to do VR but had no choice, other than just quitting altogether. I make a really good salary on VR, do acute care, and my eScription changes with the wind, I think. Right now has changed to where it is putting 1. in the middle of a dictation, out of the blue this started happening, in every single report. Five months ago, this did not happen. Five months ago the numbering was almost 100%, now under preop diagnoses it puts the first diagnosis on the top line with the preop diagnoses and then #1 numbering would actually belong to #2 so again this is new. I personally do not think it will ever be so great, although do not get me wrong, I really like doing VR, that we as MTers are going to be gone. As far as the EMRs, my hospital that I work for had this implemented years ago, did not change the flow of transcription.
I'm afraid the uncertainty applies to all of us. SM - MissIndigo
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Three and four years ago I was warning a majority of posters on this board who were so sure VR would never work to start planning for it. Now everyone recognizes today is happening, but there is still that tricky problem with looking into the future.

Especially people working for small operations should be developing a parachute. Eventually many of those operations who insist they'll never change will be forced by economics and seduced by the savings in time and money of their colleagues to make abrupt changes.
Savings in time and money. - Mountain typer
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You're post is right on target. The bottom line is that the MTSOs will eventually go the way of saving money while still making money -- and the first item they'll downsize are the MTs. The seduction of reducing the workforce will be too much for them to resist.

You're absolutely right. - Mountain typer

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You're absolutely right. I do believe the die have been cast and now it's just a matter of time. As much as technology has helped all of us, I believe it will ultimately replace us. Thanks for the insight.

EMR for clinics - ksmter

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Just curious why EMR affects clinic work more than acute care? I do clinic work but haven't seen EMR yet and am wondering what the difference is for clinics versus hospitals

what makes you so sure that you would be hired as..sm - ..

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a grocery store clerk,
McDonalds or Walmart?
Even there they ask for EXPERIENCE.
Jobs are scarce, even there.

Stay where you are.

Train in multiple specialties - Rad, OP & HIM MT

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would be my best advice. When I first had an account go to VR in 2002, I saw the writing on the walls. I knew it wouldn't be the last account to do that, so I stayed well-versed in HIM acute care, pain care, Cardiology, Gastroenterology and OP notes. My work used to be 90% radiology and now it's 50% radiology, and I'm doing fine. My point basically is to just be adaptable. And if transcription is phased out, hospitals and doctor's offices always need workers in MR departments, or at least desk help.

Most likely we will be, unless a miracle happens, - and SOON. (Zircon) - nm

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