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1st pay period with Nuance - ? about meeting standard - haloinreverse

Posted: Aug 12, 2012

I am full time & started training class the last week of July so this is my 1st full pay period.  I know we are required to make $900 a pay period, but I can't find my offer letter and can't remember if this was after you'd worked 90 days, or that after 90 days they will check to see if you are averaging. (?)  I've done straight type & made a little over 100 lph so far with getting used to the platform/dictators and inputting type shortcuts & templates.  I'll be off the last 2 days of the period for vacation.  When I interviewed and talked with the recruiter, trainer, and my teamlead I let them know I had this vacation and they said even though I didn't accrue PTO yet I could still take the days off... but will this cause me to not make the standard and incur disciplinary action or be moved to part time?  

1st pay period - new but old

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Who told you that you have to make 900 a pay period. I am just over my 90 period and haven't made that yet but was never given that. I was told I needed to be doing at least 186 lph which at times I do with no problem but have struggled the last few weeks and my TL is helping me with it but haven't been sent any threatening letters. like you I am still getting used to stuff also. I however am on both VR and straight typing so my lph varies from day to day

I have been with Nuance for over a year ... - anon

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and I have only made over $900 a couple of times. I am usually closer to $700 and I have never been contacted by anyone about this. The only thing I have been told is minimum of 186 lph (which sometimes I don't make that either and, again, no one has said a word to me).

I did read on this board a week or so ago that Transcend employees have a $900 minimum.

same as anon - new but old

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I agree with anon I never heard any figure discussed but I think it is because I am still fairly new and my TL is checking my production which only just recently has dropped down - seems like I am getting more straight typing and have had some difficult dictators and I don't like leaving blanks so I normally end up going back through the entire dictation which obviously slows your production
900 min - haloinreverse
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The recruiter told me about the $900 but it was also in the employee handbook on the MLS website. I think it is after the 90 days, in order to be eligible for benefits so I'm probably worrying preemptively (as usual LOL) and I don't need the benefits either (luckily!) I hear you about the difficult dictators and not wanting to leave blanks, it definitely slows you down! I think I'm working for Transcend (although I applied through Nuance's website) because Transcend's name was on the paycheck so who knows!
$900 - transcend MT
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To confirm what you found in handbook and to clarify a little further, in order to meet the fulltime requirements for benefits eligibility, you have to average both $900 per pay period AND 35 hours per week. The averages are calculated over a 3-month period. You might want to e-mail your supervisor if you have any questions.
If you have to gross $900 per pay period then you - are likely working on the
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Transcend side. I had applied with them quite a while back, but quit the first week of traning. And I do remember them saying something about grossing $900 a pay period to be eligible for benefits.

Since you are on the transcend side, do they pay more money? Or do they follow the Nuance pay scale? Curious about that.
Our line rates are higher than Nuance. For now anyway. - I bet that is changing soon.
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That probably falls under the "for now" no changes (but coming soon enough reading between the lines).
My current TL said the same thing. - Level playing field.
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It just would be nice to have an idea when the real changes will take place.
Based on what happened - at Webmedx
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I would guess that the transition and any compensation changes would take place January 1st. Just a guess, but that is when things happened for us after being acquired in early summer.

1st Pay Period - EMTee

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Are you with Transcend or Nuance? If you work on the Transcend side of the company their rules are little different than Nuance even though Nuance bought them out. You have to earn $900 per pay period to get full time benefits such as insurance and keep it. I don't think the deal is that you have to make $900 to keep your job but they do frown on people getting on that "Make Up to Minimum" list where they have to pay you minimum wage as required by state and federal laws. For instance if your state minimum wage is $8 an hour and you work 80 hours and don't make at least $640 ($8 x 80) you will get an email from your Team leader about it. You can be written up for it as well.

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