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VR versus standard - sm

Posted: Aug 23, 2012

We are told not to over edit VR reports, but the reports must be verbatim.  It's mutually exclusive!

Reply to verbatim versus not over-editing - AnnieOakley

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Yes it is kind of like an oxymoron in my book.

For example - sm

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The speaker dictates "bicarb" under labs, but the VR document says "bicarbonate." Should I change it to "bicarb" or leave it as it came up? Thx.

if I leave it as is - I am marked on my QA

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Remember every word counts right...but don't over edit...but if the VR puts in bicarbonate and the speaker states bicarb and you don't change it to bicarb, you are facing at least a 1 point error for word misuse. This has been my personal experience continuously!! I can't say it enough, I can type up a standard quicker than I can edit the crap.
or its verbat but - MT instructions say
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Or its a verbat account, MT instructions state that no matter what the speaker says for a particular speaker, regardless, it is to be put in. This includes punctuation. Do not change anything. However, you are to add per account specs guidelines headings and things of that nature that are NOT stated, BUT ONLY TYPE UP WHAT THE SPEAKER SAYS. Isn't this contradictory? Yet if you don't do it this and that and this and that and none of it makes sense and he says period all the time and has sentence fragments and you are to type that regardless (as per MT instructions for that speaker) you are also nailed on QA for doing it and for not doing it. Its a loosing battle.
But we all know the strict qa is just so they dont have to pay - bonus. nm
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QA who posts on here just admitted QC changes things and we get errors for them. - anon
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She was very snarky about it too and said it wasn't her problem. Yet, admits that QA knows when it is a change QC has made but they still give the error to the MT.

Either they are morons or it is indeed to rip us off.
Jeckle and Hyde - QA Nuance
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That's the same QA who states below that she never hassels anyone. She IS the real snarky one telling people they have reading comprehension problems. It's no wonder why the MTs have them. She's a perfect example.

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