A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Wow! Since the meeting with Amy? - My account"s" have been OTAT.

Posted: Oct 18, 2012

For 2 days now.  Yep...  out of turn around time for over 2 days.  There is overtime for these accounts,  but it seems NO ONE IS WORKING.  These accounts have never been out of turn around time. 

What if we all get sick - and not work the next few days.

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Especially after the conference call which could cause everyone to get sick. It was a demoralizing listening to the meeting and to rub it in our face "No you will not get paid higher wages". It is as if Amy was saying--- WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM! DEAL WITH IT!!! AND WORK MORE AND PRODUCE MORE!!!

Can we be treated any worse? - prissy

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I am 2 years from retirement and cannot quit this job. I am run down from learning new platforms every year. It gets harder the older you get. If this company goes under, I will throw a party and celebrate their demise because they have really treated me and I'm sure everyone like crap.

WOW! I am getting accts I have nvr seen - so much for primary,LOL

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should we ask for a wage, increase - that minimum wage

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what is going on... me too - strange accounts when

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mine have backlogs...

due to restructuring - TSM/team shuffling also means account shuffling - nm

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Maybe the India MTs went on strike? - They heard the same call

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They also had to listen to their guy read them the comments from the customers and how much they are appreciated but yet obviously not appreciated enough to pay any more money.

Or maybe people just quit after the call. You can only hold out hope for some long.

Wish I had that problem. My primary has plenty of work, some near being OTAT, but I get none of it. - FossilMT

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What's going on?

If you can see there is plenty of work, why cant you see who is doing - it? nm

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I'm looking at jobs pending SR/trans in Cornerstone find jobs - FossilMT

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These are pending, not assigned yet jobs.
Oh, I see. I am not familiar with Cornerstone. - nm
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Can you copy job# and later pull up that # and see who did it? - nm
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Only shows MT ID#, so don't know who is who - FossilMT
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but I'm guessing India is getting it all.

I find a lot of jobs coming to US are already late because of OS - being late. Then MM tries to blame qa. nm

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well I asked the "TSM" just that question and - why I was only getting

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junk I never saw before. I got the run around answer, a whitewash, your primary is out and your getting first available jobs. I can clearly see the primary has lots of work, I am not getting it. Now today I am getting worse than yday, extremely long hard to understand dictators. So because of my questioning it was made worse for me. :-) What a lovely day !

Yes, I know all about getting punished for asking questions - FossilMT

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but I keep on asking. I've emailed new TSM 3 times asking why I'm not getting primary account work when it's there, and finally got a response yesterday asking me to call her. Guess I'll really get nothing to do after we talk!
check globally to see if there has been a power outage somewhere - anon
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this could help account for the "extra work" you are unfamiliar with. just a thought. has happened before.
Hopefully in India again. Or another riot. - Whatever.
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