A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry


Posted: Jun 25, 2011

Enough of this bickering.  Stop it.

Each one of you have to simply accept that there are others out there who have NOT had YOUR particular experience with the company in question (i.e., whichever company is being discussed). 

Having a positive experience with a company or simply not agreeing with you does not make the other poster a "suit" or "management" so stop with that labeling.  As well, stop with the accusations that those with negative posts are "whiners" or "babies" or "lazy."

Stop trying to war these issues out -- it cannot be done.  Each poster is entitled to their opinion and their experience (and voicing it as long as it falls within the Posting Guidelines).   LEAVE OFF THE PERSONAL ATTACKS.

If you constantly try to disrupt the flow of a thread to be argumentative, I don't care what your opinion is -- it is trolling and you're not welcome here to do that.   Do NOT point fingers and call names.  Report posts you feel are inappropriate or against Posting Guidelines.  I'm not refereeing over niceness but some of this cattiness has got to end. 

Take your personal issues somewhere else.  This not any one poster's or group of posters' personal war ground.

Take a breather, if you need to, but get control of your posting behavior or I will have to do it for you. 



Thank You, Moderator!!! - anon

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thank you for the warning! It has been a long time coming and hopefully it will deter some of the comments made here. Thank you for your concern to those of us who would like to just have our questions answered "politely" and do without the additional reteric! My hat is off to you! (bow, bow). Have a great day!

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Tired of being called a "suit" for liking my job - Anon2

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I do hope your post is taken to heart by those who toss around those terms every time someone fails to be as miserable as they are.

Thanks for this post, and hopefully EVERYONE takes it seriously!

and tired of being called a whiner for not enjoying being oppressed - aNnon

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and no, I can't "just quit," duh. I don't live in the happy land of fairytales where I can make the economy suddenly right itself after nearly a decade of corporations and wall street being allowed to do whatever they want. I can't make jobs suddenly appear either. Wouldn't that be just swell?

Posting here does not mean we are goofing off - not on company dime

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While we're at it, lets not accuse people of laziness, refusing to work our scheduled hours, having no work ethic, playing instead of working, or being "on the company dime", simply for posting here to begin with. You have no idea what someone else's schedule/workload/situation is, and if you're posting here too, you have no right to berate anybody else for doing it too.

Thanks Moderator. - NM :)

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Thank you! - nm

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: )

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