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MT Training - depressed, discouraged - earlymusicus

Posted: Aug 28, 2010

I graduated back in May of this year, from the MT program at a local two-year college. The program was a one-year program, but due to the way the required courses were scheduled, it took two years of attending full-time to finish it. I'm starting to wish I had discovered MTStars before I enrolled in the program; if I had known then what I know now about the MT field, it would have saved me almost $10,000 in tuition for training that feels worthless now! As I read postings by experienced MTs about such things as different computer platforms, using function keys, keyboard shortcuts, and the like, I feel like I'm so unprepared for this kind of work. The only computer training we received in our MT program was a Microsoft Word course through the general computer science department. It was a course more for people to learn how to type papers in Word. It certainly wasn't specific to the allied health programs at the college. I feel like the college should have some kind of medical computer applications course - where students are exposed to different medically-oriented computer programs. Along with the rest of my coursework, I took the medical billing class - it was just one class - and we didn't get ANY experience in actually doing billing. It was more of an intro to the field of medical billing. So here I am, having worked hard, done well in my classes, but still can't get a job. The whole point of going back to school was so I could get back to work. (I was laid off from my job in October 2007 because our company ran out of work contracts and nothing was coming in.) I researched the field of medical transcription before I decided to enroll in the program and at the time there were still good jobs in the area being posted on job hunting websites. The director of the program assured me there were all kinds of good jobs (I know now not to trust these people: they will tell you anything to get you to sign up for the program just so they can keep their jobs). The Bureau of Labor Statistics' Occupational Outlook book said the field was expected to grow. Nobody said anything about how the field has been decimated by outsourcing to India, how hard it is to make even minimum wage, and even to get that, you sit at the computer all day and most of the night, waiting for a job to come through. I wish I could get a full refund of my tuition money! It was such a waste! I could use that money now to stave off homelessness. If I had any money left to pay for classes, I'd find some better training to get - like, oh, maybe truck driving or computer repair or something that I could actually get a job with. So I'm back to applying for general clerical work, date entry, and am thinking of applying at Walmart or some other place - I'd probably stand a better chance at getting a job than I would with MT. I feel so depressed, discouraged, and like a perfect schmuck for having wasted my money on this training. How could I have been so stupid?

Training not wasted - Roma

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Hang in there. Your training, if you did at least get introduced to medical terminology and typing was not wasted.

Yes there is outsourcing, and tougher to get jobs, but do not be so discouraged. I am just re-entering the work field after a 9 year absence but I am not gonna give up OK??

So you do not give up either. I did hospital transcription as well as billing and other work there. As well, worked for many physicians.

Ok now cheer up and hang in here with the rest of us OK??

Roma is right! - Hang in there

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Well, first of all, let me say that you express yourself beautifully and have excellent writing skills. Secondly, no education can be considered a waste. The fact that you started and successfully completed a course of instruction is impressive, whether or not you find employment in the same field. You're to be congratulated for your motivation and discipline.

Although the MT profession is dwindling, you may find a perfect niche where all your abilities and newly gained knowledge will come into play. In your resume, or during interviews, you may stress your familiarity with medical language, anatomy, physiology, and HIPAA regulations, etc., as well as your obvious ability to communicate (written and verbal).

Depressed, discouraged, stupid? No way, baby. You're smart and capable. Let that shine through. You'd be an asset to any employer. These are difficult times for everyone, but things WILL change!

keep going - Viva

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It's not a waste. I just finished the basic MT course in March and passed the RMT exam in June and have been job hunting since July. I've already had two phone interviews and two in person interviews:
two interviews at pathology labs, one for an editorial position, and one for a medical/health editor position.

I have a strong background in English teaching, writing, and editing as well, which has helped. The MT experience helps.

I urge you to keep searching all the job sites. The mods here won't let me mention the ones specific to MT, but there are jobs. You can also try the site that starts with C and ends with -list.

keep going - 1morenewbie

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I have similar experience in teaching and writing. Does our MT training give us qualifications for entry level editing jobs?

depressed - anon

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Dont feel bad. I am an experienced medical transcriptionist with 20 years of experience. I too cannot find a job to save my soul. I have applied everywhere on the net and to no avail. I, also, have had thoughts about going to Wal-Mart. My financial situation is a disaster. I have not worked since 2008 and I am getting really tired of my situation. So, dont feel bad. You are fresh and new and I am old and experienced, but no one wants me. Keep trying depressed and do not get too down on yourself. Just keep looking and I bet you will find something.

Then again, some new graduates are getting jobs right out of school - Lots of variables to consider

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There are lots of reasons why one person may not do well and another one does fine.

I did want to say that your description of what you thought the course you took should have included isn't really practical. It does sound like you got into a program that didn't teach what you need, but what you described isn't it either. Some programs are more like an introduction to medical terminology and others are pretty good. It's just a matter of finding the right one(s).

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