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Discouraged that QA is taking all the good work - SM

Posted: Jun 26, 2014

While I sit here with the boring run-of-the-mill work. I know they are allowed to do this, but it doesn't mean I have to agree with it. I don't blame them. I blame the powers that be who decided that was okay. I'm bored out of my mind. I really am. Maybe I should send some more work their way so I can get some decent work that won't put me to sleep. No, probably not a good idea. When I was working as a QA, I sure didn't do that. Just a vent.

QA taking work - me too

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When a company took over my hospital job, I opted later to work for that company because as a former employee of the hospital, the pay was pretty good back then. It was straight transcribing at the time. I noticed right away that all the "canned" or standard reports were never sent to me, which I knew existed from having worked the account before. Finally, I asked about them, and some were starting to come in, a few here and there. What a difference it made in my line count! I figured someone was hogging them all up for themselves - probably the supervisor or QA person. On the days they came out (for instance, Tuesdays were ophthalmology operative reports), a person could pretty much fill their line quota for most of the day. I don't blame them, but it was still cheating.

Exactly - SM

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I haven't gotten a canned report in at least 5 years and I know there are some, somewhere. I think it is allowed (cherry picking) because the QA is paid hourly and the MT is paid production. Sickens me, especially with what we have to deal with in this day and age of "transcription" or whatever it's called now. Seems like we've suffered enough, you know?

Both you and the OP stated you "don't blame them," why wouldn't you blame them? - KCmt

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Any QA who cherry picks is unethical. Maybe your company doesn't have any rules against their QA people taking all the canned reports, but the QA person, who has been an MT and knows how difficult it can be to make line counts on any given day should be honest and ethical enough to let the work flow the way it flows.

I most definitely would blame them and make my concerns heard as far up the food chain as I would have to go.

I guess I was being a little bit too nice SM - OP

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It actually ****** me off, but if I wanted to complain I'd have to have proof and I don't have that. Sometimes, after this long in the business, you just know. Anyway, I'm leaving the company soon for a QA position where I most definitely will not be cherry picking because I have a little thing called a conscience.
I think all my years in this business has made me cynical. - KCmt
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which is why I tend not to let anyone get away with anything. I'm sure the MTSO is telling their QA people to do all the canned reports as a way of not having to pay an MT for those "free" lines. So in a way the QA people are probably just doing what they are told, but it's just wrong. There is so much that goes on in this business that is so, so unethical and just plain wrong and if we don't speak up, it'll keep happening. I've been doing this for 20 years and I have worked for many different services and all I can say is when an MT is working for a service, the odds of earning a decent wage are stacked against them -- bad dictators while the good ones are sent to India, cherry picking by QA and supervisors, favoritism, NJA because all the work is offshored, overhiring for a backlogged account only to lay people off when it's caught up.

The list goes on. We have to stand up for ourselves and for each other. I would name names in an attempt to call MTSOs and unethical people out, but my posts would get deleted. There's no accountability in this business and something should be done. These MT websites are supposed to be OUR forums where we can exchange ideas and speak freely, but they are not. The MTSOs have these sites in their pockets as well.

Geez, sorry didn't mean to get up on my soap box. :)

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