A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

New MT...feeling very discouraged - jj

Posted: Sep 29, 2010

Hi, I have recently graduated from an MT program and have been spending a lot of time on this forum. It has made me think that I may have made a huge mistake. I understand that times are hard, but does anyone have any good advice? I just have been getting discouraged so much lately. I have two young children and want to be able to stay home and help my husband to take care of our family. He already works two jobs as it is (in the health care field) and we just want to get ahead. Did I make a mistake by going into this field?

feeling discouraged... - esmom

[ In Reply To ..]
That would all depend on what you are looking for as far as pay and hours. You also didn't mention if you have actually applied for any jobs/got turned down. If you are looking to make big money, yes, you made a big mistake. If you are just looking for a little supplemental income, then maybe you can find a job and be happy with making a fairly meager living. Sorry to not have much good to say. I was just discussing a pay rate of 0.3¢ per line for VR editing with a company and I thik that is really pathetic!

jj - Old Pro

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May I ask where you went to school? That has a lot to do with how successful you will be in getting a job.

you did not - sm

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It's the one reason I took an MT course, to be able to stay home, and I was married at the time. Divorced now, but still so proud that I can make ends meet while staying home with the kids...
posted something like this earlier: my school sent my resume to MedQuist and they hired me, and were actually one of only two companies to get back to me. Been with 'em for 10 years and, though there are many things wrong, they may be able to give you a start, to where in the future you can put in applications wherever you want and be able to say you have experience... GOOD LUCK!

newbies - newbie

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check out SOAP Transcription and CLK Transcription

SOAP and CLK - Never answered me

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They never answered me. Along with a bazillion other companies. None ever answer.

CLK - cjr

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I am an IC for CLK. She doesn't guarantee work and is mostly non-medical transcription. Why not contact her again. It took me a few tries before I got a reply.

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