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What is the cpl for a Tier 3 MT with M*Modal? - Possible Emp.

Posted: Feb 13, 2012

I took the Tier 3 test and passed.  I don't know what my actual score was, but I have a phone interview later this week, and I was wanting to get an idea of what to expect as far as working at M*Modal.  I know they used to be MQ and I know there are many, MANY disgruntled current and former employees.  Honestly, all I'm looking for in a company these days is regular, on-time paychecks, the average rate per line (0.08 or better), and steady work.  I'm okay with lulls in the work flow, just not constant lulls. 

Also what is the minimum required productivity standard for an 8-hour day?  What is the minimum allowable QA score?  Are the line counts fair?  And does the MT have access to their line count throughout the day?  I worked for a company that when I asked how I could keep track of my line count, they said "Oh, you don't have to worry about keeping track or invoicing.  We take care of getting your line count and paying you.  All you have to do is type!"  You can imagine how that worked out.

Also, is there constant email and communication?  Not that I don't like good communication.  It's just that I like to be left alone to type.  I don't want to be bugged constantly about every little thing or feel like I can't take a pee break without someone IM'ing me and wanting to know why I didn't respond in 3 seconds. 

Also what is the average length of time a new hire should expect to be on 100% QA?


i've been tier 3 forever 7.66 for straight typing - 60% of that for ASR

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Min QA I think is now 99%. I have a great CCM who answers emails and does not bug constantly.

7.66 cpl for Tier 3? That just doesn't seem like much. How many Tiers are there? - Possible Emp.

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When you say 60% is ASR, do you get the 7.66 cpl for ASR? Because if you get the 7.66 for ASL, then that makes it sound better.

Tier 3 makes it sound as though you're considered a very exprienced and highly skilled MT and yet I see other services offering 7 cpl without the old Tier thing. It just sounds a little shady.

That is also what got at Tier 3 - Now MME

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I was actually hired as a Tier 3 at 7 cpl and after 6 years it was up to around 7.6 cpl. Tier 3 is the highest and they do everything. (Actually, there is a tier 4 which is op notes only, but I don't count that one). For ASR I got 4.5 cpl.

As an MME, which is a combination of MT/ME and QA, I now make 8 cpl straight, 4.8 ASR, 4 cpl to fill in blanks, and 3 cpl to 100% QA a report. (I actually now make less on my paycheck than when I was a tier 3 MT/ME).

Welcome to M*Modal/MQ, the company that is setting the standard of all other MTSOs.
what *I* got at Tier 3 - oops typo NM
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I got hired recently as tier 3 at 8.25 straight typing but - tired
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all I get is ASR work at half rate
Tier 4 MTs. sm - op note diva
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Does MQ/MM still have tier 4 MTs?
doubt it, now it is the cesspool and - elite bouncers
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You just jump from account to account, no getting stuck on just lovely OPs anymore.

I think - sm

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you need to talk to somebody. I believe Tier 3 rate tops out at .10 lph. Heck, tier 1 tops out at .08 lph. If you are tier 3, you definitely should be making more. I'd have a very serious talk with your CCM.

yes request a raise - do it

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They are getting away with cheap labor if the tier 3 people are not at 9 or above. You guys get the worst of the worst. Tier 2 high is at 9 cpl and I don't have to do the hard reports. I thought about tiering up but I make more money as a Tier 2. Sad but true. You might also consider CMT or RMT because that is a half cent per line raise.

Awhile back they set those tier rate caps and cut everyone who was above so don't tell me there isn't money to give. Some MTs were making 11, 12 or even 13 and they got cut back to 10. That is why so many quit. Tier 3 at 7.66? They should be ashamed. No wonder you aren't making any money.
Yes, a very big raise! - sm
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Don't let them get away with that.
requesting a raise - no respect
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You know what gets me about the whole raise situation -- why do we have to ask for one? I think that we should be reviewed every year like others in other companies. I think it is insulting to us to make us ask for one and then when you do ask for one you have to keep on top of it because believe me giving us a raise is certainly not a priority for them, and sad to say, but don't expect a reasonable one either that's going to allow you to keep up with increasing costs!!
Unfortunately, the more you make - the bigger the target
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It seems that this company has the habit of making the higher-pay worker's lives miserable, finding reasons for them to get fired or making the quit. Of course, this was before they capped the pay. I'm thinking that their MTs were figuring out their strategy, so they just decided to cap everyone.

Of course, I don't know what we would do if the suits didn't make 6 figures, and its a good thing they hire a new one every month now.

Just think how much money they would save if the suits capped themselves at $100,000 a year and how much happier their workers would be if that was distributed to them. There is absolutely no reason they should be making more than that.
Agree - Nobody
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Tier 3 is used like a troubleshooter. Whatever needs done you must be able to do. That could mean that you will get very interesting, but difficult dictation, or just dull monotonous stuff because they need to get caught up. It is not consistent.
cpl - GMR
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I'm wondering if there is a difference in pay because of MedQuist and Spheris. I had been at Spheris as Tier 2 and had just moved up to Tier 3 in August. I never gotten more than 0.08 per line for straight typing. Maybe MedQuist MTs made more than Spheris?
new suits - pookie
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I've lost count of how many new upper management that they've hired on and it makes me absolutely furious knowing that there's another 6-figure salary that's being taken away from the MTs who are bringing in that money.

you'll never know what you make - mouse

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Tier 3 means nothing if more than 1% goes to QA....you then are paid tier 1 wages for any report to QA above and beyond that. That goes for everyone no matter what tier you are. That's the purpose of the unreasonable "First Time Right" policy some educated idiot came up with at MQ. You'll never know what you make from week to week. The more ASR you do, the less you make. At least that is my experience.

opps - mouse

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opps! my reply was supposed to be for "possible Emp"....

Where's Respect and Integrity to MTs - the new buzz words

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....in all this. There is no end to what that intestinal flotsam, Vern Davenport, shoves down the throats of MTs.

I have zero respect for the MQ suit brigade because they show zero respect for industry MTs.

remember we are clients too - for all the good that means

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I remember one of the gag-filled emails referring to us as clients when they were setting up Q care I believe. Not employees or coworkers, but clients. I wonder if they gave the real clients as much heads up about the name change as we got. No respect at all.

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