A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Regarding all the posts below about being on 100% QA---- - Kiki

Posted: Mar 21, 2012

First of all, it sickens me and I can't use the language I want to use about this or I'll get banned.

A few weeks ago I failed an audit just under the 99%.  I started getting worried, and I confided in my CCM - told her I was worried about my pay being docked if I ended up on 100% QA.  I also told her why all of a sudden are they unhappy with my work when I have been here over 10 years and have always passed my audits.  The reasons for failing were ridiculous, and I told her so.  But I said, "You know what, QA can fail me if they want but it is completely unfair to cut pay as punishment--if the company is so unhappy with anyone's work--fire them." 

Now, we ALL here know they would NEVER fire anyone w/o a good enough cause for fear that they would collect unemployment, for which they do not want to do.  If they can come up with a good reason, then they would if said MT made what they considered "too much." 

Anyway, my CCM  then told me flat out right in my EAR and then by way of email (which I saved by the way) that you do NOT get your pay docked for failing an audit.  I told her that MTs on boards (didn't say which one) have claimed to have gotten their pay docked, why would they lie?  Well, it was a mute point as I passed the next audit, but now I'm sure I will continue to be audited again and again.   Which is actually fine...what IS NOT fine is the threat of a pay reduction.  I guess I won't find out for a fact if they really do it until it does or does not happen to me. 

However, I've got NEWS for them....if they do drop my pay I will "drop my EFFORT ten-fold."  I WILL work (so as not to give them a reason to fire me); however, I will do the bare minimum required for PT -- which is MUCH MUCH less than I normally produce.  I'll probably make about 5 bux an hour doing this.  They will then HAVE to pay me at least minimum wage, which in the state I live is 8 an hour.  It will still suck for me, as I can usually make twice that, but I will make it suck for THEM too (having to pay me 8 bux/hr for 5/bux hour worth of work.  Then on top of THAT I will still file for partial unemployment because 8/hr is STILL reduced pay for me.  TAKE THAT ROTTEN SUCKERS. 

Mind you, if this DOES happen, I WILL be looking for another company, it's just in the meantime I'm not letting them off so easy.  It hasn't yet, so I'm not jumping the gun.  Just want to give some of you something to think about if they are messing with your pay in this way. 





I did not have my pay docked when - anon

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I failed 2 audits in a row (at 98.95 and 98.98 by the way). The first was my fault for not catching and flagging doctor's mistake in dictation (lab value, critical error) plus a couple reports for client profile things from unfamiliar accounts when regular accounts low on work, and the second a bunch of piddly grammer things that did not change the meaning of anything or affect patient care on two long reports from a very difficult non-english-speaking dictator eating, coughing, and talking to others nearby thoughout the dictations.

Anyway, I passed the 3rd audit with flying colors and did not get put on 100% QA at any time. My QA person told me that you have to be pretty bad and fail multiple audits to get on 100% and have your pay docked. I have always passed my audits before this and they have been auditing us with 5 reports every month since the beginning of last year.

I don't care if they fire me - slave wages

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I mean if they really want to get rid of me that bad fine. I can find another job. I think they'll be making a big mistake though.

me too. I dont care anymore either - nm

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well I car. I don't want to be fired from any job. - nm
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oops, meant to say "I care" not car. - nm
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there you go, that's the attitude you - need to have.

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Your talent and skills are too valuable to accept paycheck lowering tactics such as failing audits. Next time you have an audit, look at the final report in DocQmanage and you will find that most times your errors are not even fixed, even if it is a so-called critical error. If they are so worried about you making a "critical" mistake that can alter patient care, why aren't they fixing the final report? Have run across that many times. Apparently, the doctors aren't reviewing their reports either since they sign off on these so-called critical errors. Why should you pay for all mistakes out of your paycheck.
yep, sounds like $&$,just like this ad for help - you make the big bucks
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I know of no one making this kind of doe working for this company as an MT for 6 years and MT for 25+ .
Healthcare Services
Job Type
Years of Experience
1+​ to 2 Years
Education Level
High School or equivalent
Career Level
Experienced (Non-Manager)
$25,000.​00 - $45,000.​00 /​year
we get paid with wildlife now? - speak for self
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Some of us do fall in that price range, in case you wanted to know.

Doe a deer, a female deer.

199% QA - anon

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As I said in my post I passed an audit the week before and on the write up the audit I did not pass was at 98.39. They will tell you what they want to, but hey believe them.

100% QA - anon

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Your CCM flat out lied to you. They are cutting my pay and I have it in writing on the written warning I got. By the way last week I passed an audit over 99% and that did not matter. I have been looking for another job. On my way to a job fair right now. I have been unhappy for a long time working under these conditions as everyone should be. I am documenting everything and I am sure I will get unemployment if they fire me. Like my husband says just do the work, don't quit and let them fire you and collect your unemployment. What a sad state of affairs that they play these games.

I dont know that her CCM lied to her; could be - different strokes for different folks..sm

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I read on her once before from another MM employee that you have 3 times to pass the audit and if you fail it again on your third time, then that when your pay gets cut.

I dont know, mixed stories. Seems that not everyones experience is the same.

The problem is QA - none of them do the same thing

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Ive been gigged for report titles not being done correctly..then I have emailed my lead QA person who told me I am doing it right..But nothing got said to the QA person gigging me cause she is still gigging me for the same exact thing!!! how the heck do they expect you to do anything right when the QA tells you completely different crap..
QA isn't perfect and yes they can contradict each other. - I agree, some of them are wrong sometimes.
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yes, lack of communication on their part - sm
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is frustrating to us. I get tired of thousands of emails about things and they all can't agree and send different emails on how to do things. I've had to correct a few as I'm following the AI sheet and obviously they aren't. It takes time away from my work. They need to get it together.
Problem is nobody is perfect - all the way down the line
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From doctor to CCM..Yet we are expected to be perfect. Believe me I try, I would never want to do anything to hurt a patient. But your damned if you do, damned if you dont..Send it through QA just for a second ear, just in case and it goes against you..

I am wondering if the CCMs have ever actually listened to a dictation and looked at an ASR? I mean that training I took when I was hired makes it all so easy...Mind you, I came in with open eyes having done ASR before so when I sat down to crap, I wasnt shocked. I feel bad for these newbies who come in after that training..
We have an account on our team that automatically - sm
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goes to QA if there is just one blank in it. I had one that was a very difficult doctor, but I am use to him and have done him for years and years.

I had one blank in the report so it went to QA automatically, when I went back to see if they were able to fill it in, what they filled in the blank with made no sense whatsoever and was totally out of touch with the entire report. I do not believe what they put was correct, but what could I do about it? At any rate, the report went to the customer that way and I know in my heart what she put was wrong.

And for the record, whenever work for a specific account is set to go to QA for a blank, that DOES NOT count against you and you are not docked in anyway.

Anywho, just thought I would share that.
doesnt surprise me a bit - I now document what gets sent
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I caught QA at another company put a critical error through, that I put a marker for them to follow up (patient information conflict)..They took me off my account, no questions asked, and threatened to fire me for this error, I supposedly made..So I go back and present my evidence, and said you asked the same QA person to research this that initially did this, what kind of response do you expect?? Hum me or her whose gonna lose their job certainly not her..all the sudden the QA person is gone, but I still got booted from my account and never got an apology or you were right that person is gone..I quit on the spot.and I had covered up for her on some minor stuff in the past, knowing full well it was no biggie for me but for her it looked terrible..Never again I document everything..
What I dont like is the Book of Style. I see the point - in having it but
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it seems to change like every year or so, not sure how often, but isn't there like 3 versions?

Back when I worked in a hospital, they referenced it somewhat, but not to a "T". Spelling, punctuation, proper grammar and things like that totally understandable, but that darn BOS is just too in depth for me.

I can't remember all that stuff and I dont have time to reference it everytime I question something.

Abbreviations are ever changing, some QA people tell you to use a dash and some dont, some correct mL for cc and I thought that was another one that we were no longer able to use? I long since quit typing cc, I only type mL.

Just too many ifs, ands, and buts for me.

Shorten down that Book of Style and make it short and simple and to the point. We as transcriptionist now how to use proper punctuation, grammar and spelling.

Maybe its just me but that thing seems too tedious.
I know and who made that the Bible? - slave wages
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I don't agree with some of it and just because this Tessier person says it's right, we all have to do it? And you're right, they keep changing it. The I have says q.4h. is the only correct way to state every four hours. Now I'm seeing it all different ways, as well as q. day, q. daily, q. hourly, q. weekly, and I don't know what's right anymore.
Yep, the standards and guidlines as far as the proper - way to do things change with the weather.
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Mostly communication issues - MME
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I'm an MME and I do the best that I can following what is in the CP and BOS2. I jump around about 2 or 3 different BOBs. However, when it comes to special directions that you only get from your CCM on an account that are not listed in the CP, I only get the ones from my CCM's BOB and nobody else's, so I don't know the special instructions for the other 1 or 2 BOBs that I QA for. The CCMs also have issues telling MMEs in another BOB what is correct. I don't think they care. I've listed myself on Messenger and if I make a major change, I let the MT/ME know via feedback that they can reach me through that if they have a problem as I don't trust the CCM to pass on any messages.
Also, anything we mark is feedback only and doesn't count - MME
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The only person who should be doing your audits is your QC. If any regular MME is marking any type of error besides Feedback, they are doing things wrong and should be reported.

Good luck getting unemployment being fired - Not likely to happen

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for not meeting quality or productivity expectatons. What the unemployment people will tell you in a hearing: "The policies and expectations are clear and in writing, and you agreed to those policies and expectations by the fact that you accepted the job knowing such and/or remained working for the company after such policies and expectations were put into place...we are denying your request for unemployment benefits" or words to that effect.

Been there, done that.

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