A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Negative Posts - MT works for me

Posted: Jan 02, 2010

I honestly don't understand all the negative MTs on here.  It is very unprofessional to come on here and slam your company.  I have been an MT for over 10 years and have always made enough money and I'm proud of what I do and love the money I make, all while working from home.  I think most of these negative people are just people who aren't cut out for this profession and I wish they would realize that and go find something else to do.  Why would you put your family in a position of being poor all for the sake of being an MT?  What are you trying to prove?  There is no way I would keep doing something over and over that didn't work.  Who is really at fault, you or the transcription company?  Would you work on a car lot over and over if you couldn't sell a car?  I sure wouldn't.  Why are you transcribing over and over if you can't make a check.  I just don't get it!  There are obviously people doing just fine, so the problem is obviously the individual MTs. 

again, wear the other shoe; again, some work, some don't. - again, this board is for both positives and negati

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again, the board is for both positives and negatives. you should understand that. - let it be already. n/m

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we speak freely, ever try another board? NM - Plenty out there, all different to suit anyone.

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Im not 'proud' of being an MT. Im embarrassed - to still be in it, the way they cheat us.

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I'm looking for another line of work, but it won't happen overnight. It took a long time to get into this business, and I've been at it 35 years. Something tells me that if I "couldn't cut it", I'd have been gone a long, long time ago.

Your point of view speaks volumes about the attitude the MT industry has towards its workers. Yours is not a worker's point of view, it's a management point of view. When you make statements like "so the problem is obviously the individual MT's", you totally out yourself as to what you do NOT do for a living. And that would be MT.

You should go preach about your "superiority" to someone who actually gives a rip.

Roud to be an MT - MT2020

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No. I don't think its a Management point of view, I think there are MTs out there who are genuinely happy at what they do, and are lucky enough to work for a company that is able to give them the means to make a good living. I hope to be one of those MTs one day, because I love my job. I really do.

I meant PROUD LOL - nm - MT2020

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Oh, I like what I DO - the actual work of transcribing - the spoken word to a medical record, but -

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I don't like having my compensation for that hard work continually whittled-away at. Every year, more and more of what we work so hard for is taken away, and our expertise cheapened and belittled. They want us to do more and more, for less and less. I find nothing whatsoever to be proud of in that situation. There IS a breaking-point, you know, and most American MTs are just about there, right now. MTs are getting desperate, and desperate people have the potential to do scary things.
I Agree - MT2020
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I totally agree. But I don't believe all MTSOs are like that. I believe our skill is appreciated by some, we just need to find the right match. Ladies and Gentlemen, we need to think more positive in 2010. If we don't believe we will find that good match, what are we all doing this for?
I WISH I didnt believe all MTSOs are like that, but - so far, I havent found one yet that isnt.
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'Tis a bummer, to be sure.

Negative Posts - bomt

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I think the problem is, people like George Soros (who bought Spheris in 2004) are buying companies and sucking the life out of them by sending our work to India, Manilla, etc., then selling them off without any regard for U.S. workers and our CEOs are too stupid to figure that out!!!! Thus, we are ending up with no jobs here in the U.S. It's happening in every industry. I've been doing this for 20 years - previously made great $$$$ - I make less now than I did 10 years ago. I'm out of this industry as soon as I can find something else - if possible!

This nation is HUGE and there are many people...sm - Fine BUT.....

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who like red and some people who like blue. Just because we all have different opinions doesn't mean anybody is right or wrong - just that we are still (as of now anyway) a free nation where one's opinions are one's personal choice. My suggestion is that if you find a board here distasteful to you, there is no reason to visit it. Also, if you see a so-called negative post, skip it - PERIOD! Until otherwise notified, negatives are a part of life here - like it or leave it. Simple as that but continuing to post whiney-sounding posts of your own solves absoluely nothing. Grow up and progress with your life.

Now THAT was a negative post - LMAO nm - MT2020

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I have been doing this for 10 years too. - northtxgirl

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I totally agree with the MT that said it seemed like our wages have been whittled away year after year. When I first started out, I was able to make a pretty good living being an MT but lately it really looks like the profession is going downhill in a basket. I can sit at my computer and work all day into the night and not make what I used to make working 4 hours. It is really getting bad and I am personally looking for another profession. Like you said, why sit here and work at something that you do not even make minimum wage at any more. They are making more flipping burgers at McDonald's than we are working all day as an MT where I work. This is not right to do this to people who are skilled workers. Companies wonder why there is a shortage of MT's, come on you need to pay people what they are worth and pay them a decent wage so they can feed their families!! Companies that do not pay their employees what they should be for their skilled labor are cheapening and lowering the standards for MT's. You are taking away our incentive for even working for you!!

Northtxgirl, come on, not making minimum wage?? - MissIndigo

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That's, what, less than $7.25 an hour and you're a skilled MT? That's so bad it's actually hard to believe--that a skilled transcriptionist transcribing whatever comes along for 40 hours a week, even with gaps in work availability, should be outearned by the kids and old ladies at McDonalds?

Those of us who say we're making $20/hour MORE than minimum (and more) working at MTSOs are not lying. The nice thing about production pay at many companies is that it does allow hard workers to up their incomes by upping their speed. The large crowd not doing quite that well are still outearning you twice and three times over. Why???

If it's your company, for sure start looking for a new job immediately and don't stop until you find it.

If others at your company are doing considerably better, though, I'd suggest you build on the considerable skill you already have by studying how to get much, much, much, much faster. The first question would be why you weren't already. Best wishes for some major income improvement in 2010!

Line count adjustments - northtxgirl

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Tell me this if you know, can MT companies adjust the line counts to where you are not making your usual pay on production? With the previous company I worked for and the great accounts that I had, it was no problem to make $25 an hour but now even with easy accounts, I still cannot reach the same per hour wage on production. I feel something has changed with our lines counts or we would be able to earn the same wage per hour. Think about it, what else can be going on anyway? I think there must be some reason the line counts are not adding up to the same amount per hour even with easy dictation.
I have to say I know it CAN happen because it happened - MissIndigo
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to me at a company I worked for. It's a large MTSO that I had been quite happy working for until the group of accounts I was working on started going sour. For a while it was disguised by various other factors of going to VR with all the variables that involves, including official rate reductions, new accounts, fluctuating work availability, developing my expander use further, etc.--besides my own laxity in monitoring my work--but it just kept moving one way. I didn't want to believe it, but over time, as I finally started measuring carefully and compared notes with another who'd been measuring and communicating with others a lot longer, there was no mistaking that unreported line count reductions had to be occurring. It is the reason I chose to leave the company.

The company I currently work for, by the way, is a lot more transparent. A couple of times, before all this started, I had asked my account manager at the old company how my line counts compared to others, just so I could evaluate myself, and she wouldn't answer. This company posts everyone's production anonymously each month so we can all see how we are doing.
Now I know I am not going crazy! - northtxgirl
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Thank you so much for verifying this for me! I have had an uneasy feeling about this for a while now that our line counts were being tampered with. I thought well maybe it is just me but after going over my lines again, I can honestly say that I believe this is happening. I guess the only thing to do is to start looking for another company to work for. We deserve to be paid for our hard work and this really is unethical I believe for companies to treat their MTs like this. Once again, thank you for verifying to me what I have long suspected and I will be looking for another job. If you or anyone else has any good companies that you could recommend applying to I sure would like to know and find one that is honest and good to their employees.
Thank you so much.

MTSOs are helping to cheapen and lower standards - for our entire country. Curry-suckers.

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