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After reading through the posts here... - none

Posted: May 29, 2013

"If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude."
Maya Angelou

Just wanted to share...

wish I could change your post - cause I dont like it

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Just wanted to share...

but you can't so I guess - you better change your attitude huh?

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the problem most certainly lies with you right?

At least, at the very least, you are honest... - sm

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and mean. Just wanted to share also..

12 Likes on this post...pathetic, angry, rude, people...nm - none

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Please explain why you don't like ..... - noneya

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a very nice post? I don't understand this at all.

give it a rest - not everyone is going to like everything

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you seem to be demanding that everyone suddenly embrace this post and the quote contained in it; it's a very nice thought but not everyone has to love it.
I asked a question, why can't the poster... - noneya
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answer it? I am guessing they have no reason. It just sounded too up lifting and kind and it did not serve a purpose other than to be mean.

DUH, "not everyone has to love it", wow, you think of that all by yourself?
because everyone is sick of it by now - give it a rest nm
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Because it shows a lack of empathy - anon
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and even a bit of arrogance since the OP is obviously not in as bad a position as others are experiencing.

When people are venting on this board about struggling to make ends meet, stressful supervisors, myriads of account specs, terrible VR, and barely (or not) making minimum wage, how is suggesting they just "change their attitude" going to help?

Okay Oprah - nm

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must be difficult to be so angry all the time - nm

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Yes! I agree totally but, they still .. - none

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manage to come on here anyway and share the hate. One posting above, the poster stated she just didn't like the post that started this thread. That tells me volumes about what kind of person he/she is. Not good....What a coward.
maybe we just don't agree with you - nm
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OK. How? Only doable options acceptable. - dnr

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The only doable option I have found is to change careers. January I will be finished with school.

Too late in the game to form a union. As far as ILP, that cat was out of the bag a long time ago. As far as ADHI (AAMT), they sold us out a long time ago. As far as finding a proper MT job, that is difficult to find. MM (/MQ/CBay) has lead the way in the changing the field due to their massive size and ability to undercut the competition. I lost my previous job due to MTSO's ability to undercut bids and send the work to ILPs.

So, what's your solution? Remember, it has to be doable and not something that has failed before.

looks like you chose a doable option! I hope you enjoy your new path in life. - Happy with M Modal

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I thought it was a beautiful quote....I am sorry - none

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you couldn't see the beauty in it because all I wanted to do was share.

Beautiful quote yes, but not applicable in this situation - anon

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A change in attitude will do nothing to improve pay, benefits, work being available, etc.

I don't think an attitude change will do much when a lot of us are struggling to feed our kids and put a roof over their heads and our work situation grows more precarious by the day.

Obviously, you missed the point....it is absolutely - none

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applicable here.

Said the eagle to the mouse! LOL!!! - MTJ

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A positive attitude only goes so far...

No, a positive attitude does not go only .... - none

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so far. A positive attitude, at least for most people I would think, will get you through a lot of hard issues and help your friends by staying positive. In your case, I would guess it is self-limiting. You have the power to change how you look at things.

OH BROTHER!! I have changed my attitude! - Despise this job and company.

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I cannot change this company TO THE WAY IT USED TO BE OR THE PAY. So it has lead me to change my attitude. I HATE THIS JOB! Which has caused me to RUN back to college which I am changing this sweat job lifestyle and such CRAPY PAY to something better. Almost done with college and going to make triple the pay.

There is only so much a wife beater can take - like with this job.

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At least that is what my husband tells me. He cannot believe how horrible this company has been treating their employees for years and years and keeps getting worse and worse. This job is like being in a wife beater situation. Most MTs feel like the wife beater.

I think you mean abused wife, not wife beater - (?)

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oh and when life hands you lemons - make lemonade

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All the answers you ever needed can be found on cute posters at your dentist's office.

Soooo, why don't you read them and think... - none

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about what they mean? It would be a pretty cold world if there were no messages of hope out there.

I'm thinking you must be very young - or very naive nm

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Sounds like my old supervisor, Cathy. - lol
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how about this one... - sm

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When you are being run out of town, get in front of the crowd and make it look like a parade!

Change your attitude - none

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I am a breast cancer survivor and I certainly know that a positive attitude can really help one through the darkest days of one's life. It sure is not easy though when you are facing a life or death situation. Luckily, I survived it. However, people cry out for help in different ways. Some by venting, some by shouting, some by anger which at the time may seem a good way of dealing with it, but it certainly is not. Only when you have walked a mile in someone else's shoes can you know how you would react to the same situation. A lot of MTs working for MModal (AA degree, 20+ years work experience, nationally certified MTs) are changing that situation by going back to school for a new career, a better life, and much better pay.

God Bless you and I agree....!!! Thanks... - sm

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That was a beautiful way of saying change can be good.

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