A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

gonna make a suggestion - Snow Bunny (the original)

Posted: Apr 10, 2013

I want to extend a great big THANK YOU to everybody who has posted on this board, both good and bad.  I never took the negativity personally or to heart.  In fact, I considered it a lesson that I needed to learn with respect to the way this industry has deteriorated. That coupled with my sciatica (only when sitting) convinced me that it was time to move on once and for all, which I have. 

I would like to see others in this industry do the same. The biggest problem for me was finding a job outside of this field, when at least 28 of the last 33 years all I've done is MT. I needed to step back and take a close look at my resume to see what else I could apply for. Three things jumped out at me ... "EMR," (anyone on a platform has this experience) "medical terminology," and "medical records." And that is the direction I took. I went to job boards like Indeed, Careerbuilder, Monster, and SimplyHired and used the above as my search parameters. 

Ladies (and gents, if there are any) ... the jobs are there. I recently completed one 2-week contract and I will be going on 2 interviews in the next 2 weeks, one for a long term contract (they withhold taxes) and the other as an employee. I'm definitely going to land one of them. I'm happy as a clam right now. I'd like others to feel as I do. 

You might have to brush up or get the jump on new skills. One thing in demand is Excel. I paid for access to a website and it's good for a year. The teacher is British and I feel his style of teaching is well done. It would be a way to learn the program, enough to give you some experience (something to do while you're waiting for jobs to drop into your queue). Anyone who is interested in this, let me know by responding to this message and I'll email you privately with the details. --- It's not much, but I'm opening a window for anyone who might be interested. 

Aside from that ... update your resume and start checking the job boards now. You owe it to yourself. 

Suggestion? - Anonymous

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..."I would like to see others in this industry do the same." Why?

Anyone on a platform does not have EMR experience. If you've never worked on Epic or another EHR outside of transcription, you would know this. A transcription platform is only the tip of the iceberg. "EMR" experience usually applies to someone who is an analyst or someone with experience working in multiple data bases, health informatics comes to mind.

There are many ways to learn Excel. I am self taught using books and on-line tutorials and also took a brick and mortar class. One thing people need to know is that there are several versions of Excel and they are not all the same. Also, an employer may ask in an interview if you know Excel, but you may never use it in your job. In many cases, it is not a deal breaker.

I also moved on to a job where I have the best of both worlds - transcription QA and working in an Epic data base reviewing patient information.

I'm glad you found something that makes you happy. But guess what, not everyone needs or wants to "feel as you do." Feelings are feelings, some good, some bad and no one needs to project theirs on you. Let people make their own choices, just as you have made yours.

here's the way I see it - Snow Bunny (the original)

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First, thank you for pointing out that I did not fully understand what EMR was.

That said ...

My intent was not to project my feeling onto anyone. But remaining in an industry that used to be enjoyable and now is making so many people totally miserable makes no sense. Why would anyone CHOOSE to remain in a job that makes them so unhappy when they don't have to be. They CAN get out ... why aren't they?

I'm open to your explanation.

Explanation - Anonymous

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Because many people who do MT are in their late 50s or early 60s and truthfully it is not easy to start over in another career at that age. When I retire or my current full time benefited job ends, whichever comes first, I probably will continue MT work part-time to supplement my income because it is what I know and where my skill set lies. I know Excel and I know coding, and while they have expanded my knowledge base, I'm still using what I learned from all my years in MT every day. You mentioned doing contract work. That may be great for you, but that does not work for a lot of people. Many MTs enjoy doing what they know (and love). Not everyone is miserable and living on the street, contrary to what you may read here. Moving into another job (that probably will not pay more, if it is an office job) does not guarantee happiness. Many people can't get out of MT, even if they wanted to, for health reasons or other personal reasons. In addition, you are probably being taken to the cleaners on your Excel course, there is no need to pay for one. There are a number of free on line tutorials, and a person can train themselves doing their own spreadsheets at home (monthly budget, etc.). Many local Work Source and Skill Source centers offer those classes (as well as other classes in office and computer skills) free of charge. That is my explanation, since you asked. I was rather put off by your "do this and you will be happy like me" message. Give people some credit for knowing what works best for them, that is all.
Good response - Snow Bunny (the original)
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Thank you for your well worded response, but allow me to address just a few points. [1] I'll be 60 at the end of the year, and I believe that works for rather than against me. A company won't have to be concerned that I'll party out all night and call in sick the next day, or that I'll need maternity leave, or even that I'll have to take care of my kids. [2] With respect to health reasons ... I certainly have them. I've 3 bulging disks, foraminal stenosis, and a posterior annular tear in my back which equals sciatica. The "toothache" in my left hip starts within 1/2 hour of sitting down (I take 2 Tramadol with 1 Lortab to get some level of relief). I've also got bilateral carpal tunnel syndrome and cubital tunnel syndrome on the right. Arthritis in both knees and upper spine. --- Shall I go on? Hey, life sucks sometimes, but at least I'm still breathing. [3] The Excel course cost me $9.99 for a year, with access to the website as many times as I want. Got the book to go along with the course, and I think that cost another $19.99.

Now ... my intention was never to convey "do this and you'll be happy like me." It was more along the lines of ... "If you're so miserable being overweight, why do you continue to eat junk food and sweets?"
Response - Anonymous
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Well, you could probably access the same on-line Excel tutorials for free, but to each their own. Sorry for your health issues. Let us know when you find a permanent, full-time positions that is not a temp or contract job, I am not willing to settle for less. Moving into QA after MT was perfect for me and I have learned that what we do does matter, and yes, facilities need us (as well as coders) if they want to get paid. I personally don't think MT is over, sometimes things need to come full circle. I'm already seeing other QA jobs opening up and think that's a great way to put one's knowledge to use, and it does not necessarily mean working for Nuance or M-Modal where you'll be hated by everyone (or so it seems). I'm happy doing what I'm doing. I'm also almost 60 and just plan to hang tough and wait it out. I've been on a lot of job interviews, and my experience has not been that my age works in my favor but perhaps it's different for temps/contract workers where insurance and benefits don't come into play. Unfortunately, for many the issue is a little more complex than taking an Excel class but I know you are trying to help. Good luck, I hope you land your dream job.
Explanation - OldMT
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Wow, what an explanation. I read the original post by Snow Bunny and was very encouraged, wrote down the Simply Hired, etc. websites and will be looking into those possibilities right away. Your explanation just seems defensive and somewhat annoyed, like Sunny Bunny is trying to tell you and others what to do-which I didn't pick up on. I'm 58 years old, have been an MT/Health Records Tech for 23 years, after completing a 2-year accredited college course. I've been struggling to keep a job for the past 4 years. The longest position in those 4 years lasted for a year and a half, others days, weeks, moths. The companies are either bought up and the work shipped to India or the companies are totally corrupt. I have been through 3 Federal DOL investigations, one IRS SS-8 determination, and now some wild investigation into an company in India illegally working a government contract--all for 4/8 cpl--that's insanity. My heart goes out to the newbies thinking they have a chance. Personally I find your posts missing the original point--THERE ARE OTHER CHOICES OUT THERE!
Of course there are other choices - Anonymous
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My experience in MT has obviously been different from yours. Taking an Excel class was not the answer for me and I had to look at my assets and liabilities to decide what I could do with my skills and the time I have left in my working life. I still don't understand why Snow Bunny wants everyone to be "happy like her." As I said before, changing jobs is not a guarantee of happiness. I've been fortunate to be able to dodge the MTSO bullet and never worked for one, but if I had your experience I'd probably feel the same. People seem to want to work at home, that limits their possibilities considerably. A person does what a person has to do.

Here's how I see it. This is work for those comfy - with a low income totally inappropriate

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to the excellent written language skills, training and (increasingly) hard work it takes to be good at it. In other words, a sucker's choice, a loser's choice, with only a few exceptions.

I'm one of the many older people living in a rural area with few jobs available, and with health issues that make retraining for a whole new line of work seem inadvisable, who are trying to carry on to the end--or I would, OF COURSE, have been gone long ago. I'm not humble, even with sensible reasons I'm ashamed of cooperating in my own exploitation, I regret enabling the victimization of others by my participation, and, above all, I am accustomed to providing myself with a much better lifestyle.

Snowbunny (the original), congrats. And thanks for the message. One never knows when even one person will be inspired to make a change for the better.

I don't know if this would help, but - Snow Bunny (the original)

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If health issues do not interfere with studying, and you can afford it (even with assistance) perhaps you could learn coding. I've seen so many ads from companies looking for home-based coders, and I think they pay quite well.

Aside from that ... once I am totally out of this industry, I think I'll make direct contact with the IRS and talk to them about this entire VR situation. Can companies LEGALLY pay the VR rate if so much of it has to be retyped. Whatever they say I'll post here.
It would be wonderful for this can of worms to be opened - up. We are free to go "find another
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job," of course, but the same realities that obtain at our company are seen at most.

I have a serious progressive diagnosis, Snow Bunny, and staying serene is a big part of keeping it at bay. So I do. Mostly. :) I actually think I would really enjoy coding, though--the ICD type, much more brain work--and if I were confident I could move fairly smoothly into a job I'd pull money out of retirement and sign up for classes tonight.
In all honesty - Snow Bunny (the original)
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With today's employment market, I don't know if anyone can move smoothly into a job. A friend of mine has an excellent resume, but she's having a difficult time finding a position.

If you won't take offense at a suggestion, for now just go to job web sites and type "coding at home" in the search criteria. And then make a note of the qualifications and skills required for all different companies. Do this for about 3 months. Also, contact some agencies which specialize in placing people in the health industry and talk to them. See if they can offer some advice. I think if you do 3 months of "research" you will have a better insight into whether or not it might be worth tapping into your retirement fund.
One can't get a "coding at home" position without on-site experience first. - sm
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It's not like MT that way. And even getting one's first on-site job in coding now without experience is incredibly difficult. Just check out the Coding/Medical Billing Board here for anecdotal info about that.

Snow Bunny, thank you! - Nick

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I just wanted to thank you for this great post. Although I am going into law, I found your post to be tremendously interesting and encouraging. And yes, there are guys as well as gals in the MT field. I am sure I speak for other guys as well when I say I want to see MT in my rearview mirror! Congratulations to you, and good luck.

and congrats to your venture into law - Snow Bunny (the original)

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Attention ... attention everyone ... Nick will be ready to take your legal questions now. (gr&d)

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