A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

If I see one more quality update Im gonna scream - sm

Posted: May 18, 2014

I am so freaking sick of this crap..Suspend the coder program because there is too much work? What did you do to make everyone leave should be your first question.. I can give you the answer 99.7% accuracy and daily constant threats of audits. This gets really really old.

Come on... lets roll! - we are the best, lets roll!

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Plenty of work... lets roll! You rock... lets roll!

This comment makes my blood boil!

Love it!!!!! May I roll with you all cuz.... - YOU ROCK GIRL!

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absolutely sick of it!!! Done, dun, never again, would rather sling burgers, at least your clients are happy when they see your work, i.e. burgers,fries, chocolate shake, OMG. And, the test is easy, LOL ;-)

Anyone that falls for their fake - sm

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you are the best, you are the greatest team BS emails is just plain naive. I was always taught actions speak louder than words. Pay cuts, threats, performance updates, daily tips, on and on..GARBAGE!!!
Yeah. If we "rock" so much, then why doesn't - our pay reflect our rockworthiness?
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We "rock" because we're making them rich. It's - probably the same line...
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Said to sweat shop workers. All those poor people cranking out thousands of t-shirts everyday for a dollar a day...."you guys rock!"
In a dream world, I would love to see .... - Justcurious
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everyone say "no more" and quit. They would be in a pickle and the foreign transcriptionists could NOT do the job, I believe they need us to clean it up. Any others feel the same?
No in a dream world - sm
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I would like to see everyone just put the ASR jobs through unedited or barely edited until they get fired..let the doctors really see what we deal with
I very much like the way you think!!! Yes, - Justcurious
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I would also love to see what the final product would look like AND what the doctors would do when they saw it!!!
LOL thank you, I am very much a S-head - nm
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Oh oh and at the end of the ASR report - sm
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we could put the phrase,,"listened but not fixed"..kind of like the doctors dictated but not read...LOL
In a dream - World
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I would type or edit and be making $20 an hour like I used to!
Absolutely, and I wonder if anyone remembers - justcurious
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the good pay that we had. What a wonderful world that was when we were valued and rewarded on occasion. I would do anything for that transcription world again and the MTSOs who paid for work as IT SHOULD BE!!! Makes me angry just thinking about it! Well, it is time for me to get over it and move on. I am quitting very soon but have to have a job first and when I do, trust me, I will quit at the height of them needing me.
I left, and I'm gone forever. Even if they wanted - me back in the future - sm
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(wouldn't hold your breath on that), I would not return to MT for any company, at any price.

The fact that these people are knowingly killing medical transcription means they want it to STAY dead afterwards.

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