A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Not even an Xmas email - Blue Star

Posted: Dec 24, 2011

This company just keeps hitting new lows.  Big shots probably too busy sitting in their offices counting their bonuses.  Shame on you Vern and the rest of your cronies.  Merry Xmas to everyone else.

I got a card from my CCM - love her

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I will wish you a Merry Christmas.

Blue Star,

I wish you a Merry Christmas

From, Me

CCM sent me a card too. - Blue Star

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I did too. I have a very nice CCM. My post was aimed directly at the suits in Franklin, TN.

My CCM sent one also, and made it personalized - NO MESSAGE

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I got one from CCM and person above her - frosty

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super cool
At least you didn't get the dreaded - Chapstick on a chain! sm...
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LOL, Big Christmas hug!
I would take it, at least its a token - spirit
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at least then you knew there was a thought of the employees.
not cool - nameless
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I got a personalized email from the person above my CCM too and I didn't think it was cool at all. This person had the nerve to tell me earlier in the year that the tone in my emails was inappropriate and bordering on insubordination after the company screwed up on my paycheck big time. Apparently we are not allowed to call out anyone in corporate. I got in trouble for my tone and the person doing my paycheck got an apology from my CCM's boss and my paycheck never did get fixed correctly. So now all is forgiven because I got sent a personalized email for Christmas? Hardly. I found that email tasteless and could hardly read it without throwing up. "May the coming year be prosporous for you and your family." Please. Not with this company and certainly not if I keep getting my paycheck messed up. I would have rather not received anything than this fake email.

Xmas email - Loves to Type

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I didn't get one either and was thinking would it take to much time to do this simple thing? I worked for eTransPlus, got a new supervisor who said she would call everyone on her team beginning 12/6. Still haven't heard from her. Very disappointing! I guess I don't exist!

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