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Spouse and I work PT for Transcend. Spouse got a gift card, not me...so, maybe random? Or not...I am the squeaky wheel....
When I have gotten them in the past... - PT-MT
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they have been a 25 dollar gift card you can use anywhere. This year, however, they decided not give part time workers a gift card.
Why not part-time? - Held to same quality standard and do same work.
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I am part-time. Why did part-time not get a gift card? We are held to the same quality standards and required to produce the same work? I really don't think that is fair. Other than this little blip, I've been happy so far with them. I've been there just over a month.
Transcend gift card- Strawberry and MT2 - LeeLee
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I did get one, although later than most. I believethey were all for $ 25.00for t MTs, MLS'; so not to worry about Starbucks. Just in case you were looking for a place to dump SB gift card, give me a call....my mother LOVES thos :)
I received a beautiful Christmas card in the mail and inside was a VISA card from Transcend wishing me a Merry Christmas and the card even says "thank you" on it! I wasn't expecting that. I've only been with them a little over a month! I'm even more impressed with them now. I got a calendar last year from my previous employer. That was nice, but this is even better. Did anyone else receive one? I sure hope so! yay! ...
Thank you IMEDX for not sending a physical Christmas card, and for not sending us a gift card loaded with either $25 or $50, I forget. TT was nice to do that.
AND, thank you IMEDX for me no longer doing "bonus" to save your huge account. I worked 4 years for TT and always pitched in, now it is time for an hourly job. I have the skills, I just needed to go to the last freeway exit sign to get off.
Absolutely criminal I think what is going on. Has anyone every thought of a Class Action suit rega ...
Yes, its true, my skills are awesome enough to warrant a $13 gift card. Bow before me peons! To all those who will take this personally, I'm teasing.
Anyway, there's a catch. It turns out that this Visa card can only be used at certain places. Unfortunately, the nearest one of these places is over 50 miles from me, making it worthless as I'd have to spend more money in gas to get there. I could use it online, but shipping charges will pretty m ...
Tried registering it yet? Have fun. Couldn't get it to register online. Calling the phone number did no good, either. Apparently, my brain can't deal with technology anymore. Couldn't figure out what my employee number was (wasn't any number I could find), and there was no activation code where the computer voice said it should be. ...
My $13 prepaid Discover card came in the mail as thanks for not slitting my wrists while training on a new platform. It came with a whole sheet of paper listing the dozens of different places I can spend it at. There isn't a single store on the list I use LOL. That seems mathematically improbable. 90% of them don't even exist within a few hundred to thousand miles. The ones I do have don't apply to me.
For the second time, the Cracker Barrel is one ...
I tried to use my giftcard today and it was refused. It was give by transcend, a visa giftcard, and it was refused when i tried to use it. I didn't see anything that came with it saying it had to be authorized or anything. Has anyone else had this problem? Do you have an authorization number i can call to authorize my card? Suggestions? Thanks ...
So, for MT week, I was one of the finalists for the MT of the year contest. I made it to the final round, thus getting a 100.00 gift card from MModal. Well, on my last check stub under the deductions is a category called "taxable prizes" and listed under that is my 100.00 gift card. So basically, I won a 100.00 gift card and then they turned around and took the entire 100.00 back out of my pay check. I thought we only had to pay taxes on the gift card. WTF is the point of a gift card if you ...
I was going to hang out for a bit and see if they offered another coding class. But the day the card came in the mail they lost my main account that I had had for over 10 years. Since there was not even a courtesy notice given until a week later to any of the MTs it just made my decision easy. So thanks for the MT week money, I sure put it to good use. I start in August. ...
I looked on the Exponent HR site and cannot find a number anywhere. There is no Happy Holidays or token of appreciation message either. Do you think they took it down? ...
I'm trying to activate the gift card I got from IMEDX for Christmas. I threw away the documentation that came with it that apparently had the "activation code". I called customer service and they stated the only hint they could give was it was the last four digits of my employee ID number. Can anyone tell me if this was the last digits of our last name?, last 4 of SS number? I can't remember my employee ID.
Thanks! ...
I received a very nice Christmas card and gift card with personal signatures in the mail today -- what a wonderful surprise. This does help encourage me that maybe things will work out in this transition to a bigger company. Much negative said here on the boards, but this is very appreciated!! ...
If Transcend was going to send me something worth less than a dollar store item, I would have rather had the dollar.
Some of you will blast me for not appreciating the gift I did receive as you didn't get anything, but sometimes it is best NOT to get something. Like when you leave a penny for your server. That is meant to be a slap in the face. If you leave nothing they just think you forgot!
This little star clip thing is a slap in the face!&n ...
I did get a Card, but no gift card. Worked for Transcend several years and at first did get a card. I am sure they have to cut back somewhere; however, I know some who have only worked there a few months and got a gift card and then the ones who have left also got one. I am happy for all of you who got the gift cards though. ...
This company just keeps hitting new lows. Big shots probably too busy sitting in their offices counting their bonuses. Shame on you Vern and the rest of your cronies. Merry Xmas to everyone else. ...
Personally not expecting anything, just curious if anyone else was lucky. Last year we got a cookbook compiled by various people in the company that we got to print off ourselves. Don't think they can top that. However, on the upside this company keeps me in work and pays well. I can't complain, or at least I shouldn't. Let's hear it from anyone who did get or will be getting a little momento in the spirit of gift giving. ...
Does anyone else suspect their company is fiddling with the software, thereby paying less to MTs for the same amount of work? I switched accounts last summer, within the same company, to a hospital that pays more, sure that my pay would increase. Lo and behold, I just noticed on my paycheck that I'll make about 5,000 to 8,000 less this year than last, and, if anything, I'm working more hours. Truly infuriating because there is no way to prove it. ...
ESL per account for .07 cents a line? I have been getting 2 in 3 ESL for the last 3 months now. Never used to be that way. Not just ESL, but difficult ESL that do 15 to 20 minutes at a time. They changed on me without saying anything. Is this a normal amount or am I being used? ...
Doctor says: "She is carrying about 12 to 15 thousand dollars in credit card debt." Do I put it $12 to $15 thousand, $12,000 or $15,000 or as above? Thanks. ...
I recently started with Zylomed and I am a 'floater'. Does anyone have any experience with this company and if there is enough work as a floater? I am trying to decide if I want to keep doing this or just take on some accounts that would be my own.
Thanx!! (:
I've never been paid per audio minute. What would 1 dollar per audio minute come to if I can type 300 lines per hour? Does anyone have an equation I can plug the numbers in to or any idea what a ballpark figure would be for this? Thanks. ...