Horrible, Awful, AARGH!! - Alias
Posted: Apr 10, 2012
Here's a good one for the day. Just got hold of an Asian dictator, who proceeded to whisper and mumble through the whole dictation, with another American dictator standing right next to her dictating. Can you take a guess which doctor I understood more clearly? I'm sooooo sick of this screwed up mess!!!!!
shoulda typed both... gotten paid for both reports - that you had to suffer through
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That would have been funny.
Type first report, enter a few times, type second report with an addendum: Please pass this second report on to Dr. XXX.
Ha ha ha.
I have come to the conclusion sm - MT24
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that these docs who do these things need to be penalized very badly so as to never do it again.
M*Modal has things in place where we send blanks to the hospital if our QA cannot get it, b/c what the heck if we can't they probably can't. We are even penalized on our pay for sending it to QA if we can't get it and they can't.
So we send it to the hospital with the hospital knowing these are impossible.
When a doc does this, foreign or not, he knows what he is doing. These guys/gals went to medical school. The fact these are return to the hospital en masse for these dictators with tons of blanks is telling the HIM something and they need to now suspend these docs from dictating altogether (which would get them to straighten up especially for joint commission) until they find a PA to dictate for them if they can't speak English, or to actually do the job correctly like the rest of us do.
Time for the dicatators to stop abusing and pay the piper! I see it coming. I do. Some day..
No sense for you to sit there and get paid nothing while being abused that is my honest opinion and I have been a supervisor in the past now back to editing but surely no fair to you!
Karma will bite em and they will definitely stop this (but someday).
Agree - Nobody
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Add to that the people who are standing nearby laughing and giggling and then dropping things in the background.
Why are we the ones responsible? - Older than Dirt MT
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I think the ones who program ASR should have some responsibility for fixing and maintaining their product. If we continually put out garbage like ASR, we would've been fired long ago.
The doctors should also be held accountable for their dictation. If they mumble, dictate from Chuck E Cheese, blast their way through a dictation, they should be penalized and not allowed to dictate til they clean up their act. Why are the ones making McDonald's wages responsible for it all? Sick of this. When I made $52,000 a year, I felt like I was earning my pay. Now, I am thisclose to going to McDonald's and clean tables. I'd make more money and get a nifty uniform.
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