SoftScript support is horrible - runner
Posted: Jul 22, 2011
whatever you do, don't work here. they give you work, take it away, you sit here with no jobs all day and then they want you to work on your days off, or want you to work when it is not your shift. support is horrible, won't even give you a phone number to call. have to email and wait, losing time you could be working. just don't do it.
Softscript support and work - ex-SS
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Is Softscript still using that automated "ticket number" system that they send to you by return email? I never could figure out what to do with those ticket numbers, but I sure did end up with a LOT of them! LOL
I would consistently run out of work too at Softscript. They'd tell me to "flex" my time (not exactly legal according to the DOL in my state), but even those times when I did "flex" my time, there was no work then either. Needless to say, I didn't work for them for very long.
Sorry you have had a bad experience there like I did. I hear that some people are happy there, but the MTs who are happy at Softscript seem to be far outnumbered by the ones who are not.
SS Support and Work - anon
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I have been AT SS Since December. Have only run out of work a handful, if that many of times. Always plenty of work. Your right about communication, it could be better, but if I have a question and no one answers, I send to QA. They are strict with schedules, but I don't have a problem because I am there when I am supposed to be, work when I should same as if I work out of the home. No place is perfect, but I do my job and they leave me alone. I am sure my PM would tell if there was a problem and I would want her to.
SoftScript - NE-MT
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I am in 100% agreement with you. I worked with SS for a little over 6 months. I stuck with them over the 2010 holidays, but when I had very little work for 3 weeks and constantly receiving condescending emails from my AM (which I still have copies of), I got out as soon as I could.
This is the first company I have worked for that I had a bad experience with. I have a whole list of reasons for why I left, but to summarize them... Recuiter was extremely rude when I had to call HER about my training (which didn't happen on the scheduled day), QA was horrible, support was horrible, HR was horrible and unresponsive, their time clock system was a joke and a waste of time, etc. I was with SS when they had the transition to actual supervisors/AMs, and the AM I finally received should have never been in that position in the first place.
But, to top it off, and what sits at #1 in my mind, is the fact that you have to work with SS for over 1 year in order to have one of the holidays (Thanksgiving or Christmas) off. I specifically asked the recuiter when I was interviewing if it would be an issue if I tood Thanksgiving off yet worked Christmas and New Years... her reply to me was that it was no big deal and that shouldn't be a problem. Yet, when I was denied getting Thanksgiving off, I questioned the reasoning behind it and this is what I received from my AM (I still have the email)...
"It is SoftScript policy to deny requests for holiday time off if the employee has been with the company for less than 1 year." - It didn't matter if I wanted to take one holiday off but work the next one.
The day I received that email was the day I started looking for employment elsewhere.
And then they wonder why people don't show up for work - Not wondering
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They are inflexible even in the face of weeks and weeks and weeks of little or no work last winter. I wanted to flex a shift and my PM said no, I had to take a vacation day because there was so little work that they wanted people to take vacation so they wouldn't be on the system and then the other MTs could have what little work there was. We went back and forth because I did not want to take a vacation day since we get so few anyway. I finally decided to work my shift rather than take the time off and of course it was NJA the whole shift. I deliberately sent emails to the shift supervisor (and cc'ed my PM) about being out of work every fifteen minutes. Next time I will not be a wimp and just not show up like the MTs with a backbone. SS is in California which is a very labor-friendly state, so I don't know why they're not scared of fines/punishment by the state. We are not making minimum wage when there are no jobs available shift after shift.
SS - runner
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so did you find a decent place? I'm so burnt out on this industry and this is the worst company by far I have worked for.
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