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Just awful - CatLady

Posted: Jul 09, 2012

I have been an MT for many years.  I have worked for Nuance for 9 months.  I was hired to transcribe an account, then moved to another to edit, then moved to another.  I was recently switched from hourly (12.00 an hour, but found out they hired the next group after mine at 15.00 an hour) to production and there IS NO WORK.  I feel like I am stalking my supervisor via IM.  One of the other supervisors recently told me that the goal of Nuance is to eventually offshore all editing to India and that while she was very upset about it, there was nothing anyone could do.  Why are they still hiring?  What is the point?  Everyone is very nice, but they are full of empty promises.  What a disappointing experience. 

I had not heard that, thanks for the intel. - anon

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Thanks for the heads up. I am not surprised the ultimate goal is to send it all to India. I suppose that is why QA is so incredibly harsh, make us feel like losers that couldn't get by anywhere else and then dump us when they are through using us.

Time to jump ship.

All editing to India, after WE trained it. - tmt

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That's just sickening. But of course, it means that American MTs will continue to get the worst VR garbage, in order to train it so that it can be sent to India.

I guess we're not MTs anymore; we're VR trainers, and then unemployed.

I wish this misconception of training VR was not here, - VR is trained by voice, sm

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all of you who seem to think that by putting in a correction, this has trained the VR, need to wise up. The VR does not learn the correction unless you put it back through with the voice. So unless this is being done, the VR is not being trained at all. Voice recognition pulls from its dictionary the words it thinks it is hearing, not the words someone typed. That's why it is called voice recognition. Speak, correct, speak correct, speak correct. This is the way to train VR. VR has no idea you are correcting a word unless put back through the voice recognition part of the program with the correction. This is why so many of you blaming others for not making the right corrections need to get a clue.

You are incorrect. When corrections are made and document returned - as it goes through rendering it

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compares those corrections to original (yes with voice) and "learns." At least that is the way it is supposed to work. Some dictators "learn" faster than others.
I highly doubt the MTSOs are taking the time to put a document - back through the VR to learn, sm
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besides this can take more than 1 time of putting the correction through the VR again and again and again. Is anyone monitoring this. Should be the person speaking monitoring this. Training the VR takes time and it should be the person dictating that is training the VR, not the person editing it. Besides, you basically said the same thing I did. It learns with voice!
When it renders, it goes back through the system and - compares corrected text to voice. Automated
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Why would they do that, tho? There's the time of day issue, and - pay has already dropped spectacularly SM

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here. Plus, between editing India's medical documents and ours, would there be half enough editors there? It's a huge country, but most are illiterate and we're a huge country too. Besides the usual issues, apparently a significant number of Indian MT/MEs do this work only while they have to before moving on to the positions they went to college for.

The only factor I see maybe supporting this would be if pay has dropped so low here that skilled people leaving the field are outnumbering newbies entering, forcing them to raise pay (?!) and/or look elsewhere.

serious question - Des

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"...significant number of Indian MT/MEs do this work only while they have to before moving on to the positions they went to college for."

How do you know this? I'm not trying to be argumentative. I'd really like to know.


Des, over the past handful of years, I've read that - in various publications discussing outsourcing. SM

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At least in the first years, a lot of the people best qualified to do this relatively well paying work had picked up their medical terminology from classes while working toward degrees or had finished and were just waiting for the right job to turn up.

That said, I haven't looked lately, but I'm kind of assuming there are now a bunch of trade schools busy churning out people who intend to remain at a clerical level, plus, of course, MTSOs busy training on the job. Like here.

Just Awful - mt20years

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I feel your pain. This has been the worst job of my life, including fast food when I was a teenager. Been with Nuance for nearly 9 months and I have never been so disappointed with my QA score, line count, paycheck, supervisor, basically everything about this company. Nuance has made me feel like my many years of experience mean nothing to them. My paycheck keeps getting smaller and smaller. QA is impossible to attain. I have been graded up to 100% on my old jobs. How can this be? If I can't make the so-called incentive, how are the Indians going to?

which is why I quit. I hate Nuance. - mt

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