A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Superior Global - The pay was also awful - anon

Posted: Feb 25, 2010

I've been sending out resumes, and taking tests that must end up in cyberspace, even though I pass them, hear nothing.  Then I hear from Superior Global, passed the test, no problem.  The recruiter calls me, and her dictation is awful, and her command of the English language equally as poor.  I thanked her, and said I'd think about it.  However, that first impression left me less than luke warm.  The recruiter above all people in the company should excel in communication skills, and be an MT.  She was friendly and nice, but atriculate, ah no.  I say to Superior Global, get a recruiter that has command of the English language, you want your MTs, Editors to have it, why should your recruiter be exempt from that skill set? (your buzz words) The pay was also awful as well. Oh, I just love it when the recruiters are not MTs!  MTSO's wise up out there?  You want to recruit the best MTs, Editors, managers, please at least give us the respect of your recruiter knowing the industry, and not have some inexperienced dunce call us on the phone, please.............. the archives speak for themselves about Superior Global.  I have been hired by ProScript, what a NICE company, pay is crappy, but it isn't any worse than anywhere else.  I wish these companies would do the math on $0.0350 cpl as an IC, after taxes we're almost working for free.  Six more months to my Masters and I can teach and I am done with transcription and letting my expensive, worthless CMT expire.

Superior Global Recruiter - What?

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The woman at Superior Global is from Texas and has a Texas accent. What does that have to do with anything? Have you ever spoken to a transcriptionist from the deep south? Should they not be transcriptionists? Should all Texans not be transcriptionists? I could care less if the recruiter is an MT or not, as long as my Team Lead or Supervisor is. If the pay would have been great, would it really matter that the recruiter had a Texas accent? I mean seriously? I wouldn't care if she spoke pig latin if the pay was great. What a dumb post.

So what if she is from Texas? - Anon

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She should still be able to use proper syntax. I personally find a Southern accent to be charming, but bad grammar grates on my ears, y'all.

Superior Global Recruiter - Southerner

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Bad grammar grates on your nerves and you just ended a sentence with "ya'll?" Me, personally, I was born and raised in the south and maybe I don't speak perfect English, but I can transcribe it correctly all day any day. That's what the dictators want and that's what pays the bills and what is important.
I'm a proud son of Dixie - Billy John
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And I say y'all rather naturally. I also know my syntax and grammar, and, equally importantly, know how to be polite during a phone interview. Whether the interviewer is a Southerner or a Brookynite does not matter. Grammar and manners do.
Re: Proud son - Wendy
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You are 100% correct and you certainly should be proud! (Not from Dixie but parents were---wonderful people in South.)
Wendy - Proud Son
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I have always loved the South. My daddy taught me to be proud from when I was a little kid. One thing that really gets my dander up is when people stereotype us as "dumb Southern rednecks, etc." When I hear a person with a Southern accent making the kind of grammatical errors I heard on the phone one time (at an MTSO of all places), I just cringe. That just reinforces the stereotype. So I say, so what if the lady in question in the earlier posts had a Southern accent? Her accent is not the cause of her bad grammar any more than being from Chicago or Miami oe Shanghai would be the cause of bad grammar. I just think that any company, no matter where they are from, should put people in front desk positions who can speak properly. Incidentally, my one of my best friends is Chinese, did not learn to speak English until she was 15, and she speaks absolutely flawless English, both from an accent and grammar standpoint. Of course, she worked and wroked on it for years, but it was important to her that she speak flawlessly, and she does. People are often shocked when they meet her because their stereotype would be of something else. So I guess it just goes to show that stereotypes are neither accurate or good! Y'all have a great weekend!
That is so true... - blondie
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As a fellow southerner, I will say southern dialect is "different" than say northern or midwestern. I never realized how different until I went to some of the northern states. We have our own ways of speaking that is not proper English. It doesn't mean we aren't smart or don't know proper English. We are just conditioned when speaking to using our way of speaking because we have been raised speaking this way. I have had education, and a lot of southerners are educated people who know proper English but just don't use it when they speak. If I know the occasion calls for proper English I can use it, but when the need doesn't arise, I use my natural way of speaking, which may not be proper, but hey, it's me.
Ditto. I'm from Texas and - sm
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was in honor society, etc. I transcribe and write with proper grammar, but I speak like everyone else around here and am not ashamed of my Texas accent. As much as our accent grates on the nerves of the people of north, their accent grates on my nerves... It's just part of life!

Superior global versus Proscript - itype2

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The archives on ProScript say about the same thing as the archives on Superior Global, it doesn't sound as if either one of them are great, so good luck with that. Recruiters (for any company, MT and non-MT) generally do not have experience in the field they are recruiting for, they have experience in Personnel and Human Resources.

Superior Global - The observer

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Several months ago I applied to Superior Global. I was absolutely shocked by the lack of grammatical skills of the woman who interviewed me on the phone. I figured that if they had no more pride in their company than to put someone on the phone who presented such an image (she was rather rude besides) I would not want to work for them.

Here's the dirty little secret - bernie

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MTSOs and by extension the hospitals, doctors, etc. do not want the best... they want the cheapest, and if they could get it for free they would, as they are now trying with VR. I have pretty much given up on being worrying about quality and now just focus on quantity. It took me 20 years to come to this sad conclusion about the MT occupation.

Quantity versus Quality - Long-time MT

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I wish I could do that - have been in the business for 20 years and while it makes sense, I just cannot let go of quality as it is important to me as a person and as an MT - guess it's just ground into my make-up. I do understand what you mean, though.

Have you seen the AHDI Lounge comment to OP? - Tired&CrankyMT

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Way to go on AHDI's publicly displaying their total lack of support to an MT, even those with the CMT credential.

I've left a comment on the AHDI Lounge board, but it's pending their approval, so I doubt it will post.

Just thought the OP would be interested in reading and leaving comment of their own. What a crock.

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