A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Awful future prospects for India MT career. - Wonder if MM knows this.

Posted: Aug 02, 2013


Just a tiny little sample of this article.

Medical transcription is not for anyone who dreams about good career progression prospects but for any lazy duck who want to make just a living from home, killing time cursing stars, and repeatedly uttering “There is no better opportunity than this for the time being for my credentials at this age!” Come out of the cocoon and look out for a world of opportunities. All you need is a change in your vision. I’m sorry for having it said harshly but that is the bitter reality.

I hope everyone - reads this.

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Veddy interesting.

Wow! This part got to me! - About the future of being an MT.

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Do you think the situation might change in the future?

I donât think things will improve in the future or medical transcription could fetch you enough bread throughout your lifetime. If you look at the past decade, USD/INR exchange ratio has moved from 1:39 to 1:55 now. That hasnât done anything good for an Indian MT due to the various obvious reasons that I mentioned earlier. Moreover, if conditions are favorable and Philippines transcription companies start competing to provide medical transcription services at cheaper rates than India, all of this business could find way to that country or any other attractive destination for that reason. Moreover, as a rarest possibility if there comes a ban onshore on outsourcing confidential healthcare data overseas, which a few US politicians have been vouching for a long time, medical transcription business in India will come to a standstill. Not doomsaying but cannot be ruled out completely.
Okay, I have already forayed to into MT, how to get out of this crap then?

Good question. That is what I intended in my Facebook comment. Change your mindset. On the other side of the India growth story, a million other opportunities have opened up for the deserving. The only difficulty lies in identifying the right shoes to slip in. View your stint in medical transcription as a passing cloud. Improve your credentials. Keep your mind always open for new opportunities. Take a second job. Build multiple income streams. Take Internet to your advantage. Start an online business or rather any business catering to the needs of the society around you. None of you might have had an education to fit into the shoes of a medical transcriptionist, isnât it?

Fortunately, as compared to the US, almost the entire MT workforce has good credentials. So try to find a job in the discipline you earned a degree. Keep moving.

Indian MTs - the only thing worse than..sm

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listening to Indian dictators all day long is reading Indian MTs act all pompous and butcher the English language. "Lazy duck" is like nails on a chalkboard to me.

You know the old saying: What goes around comes around?" - JA

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I don't see a "world of opportunities" for any of us any more, though, including them.

At least the - Indians

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are starting to wise up sooner than we did. I remember being told that MT was a great, recession proof career, and never in a million years would have dreamed it would become the miserable dead-end cesspool it has turned into.

I guess the next step now that Indians are starting to see what a trap this job is is to send the work to English speaking countries in Africa.

ha! I was saying this last night to my husband - about sending work to Africa

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they will run out of third world countries soon

Much of what he said applies to US MTs as well. - sm

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This passage in particular really hit home with me: "You will not get a decent pay compared to the same effort you put elsewhere."

Think about that. Think about how hard you are working, how much EFFORT it takes to get through the day, waiting for jobs, difficult dictators, impossible sound files, crappy pay, the STRESS of it all. Now what if we took all of that energy, all of that effort, and applied it to something else. We could do just about anything!! Now that is something to think about.

I agree. What it all says pretty clearly is - sm - MTBankAccount

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that, regardless of country (or even industry, for that matter), the common denominator in the destruction of a formerly good means of making a living is GREED. It always comes down to greed, money, and sucking the lifeblood out of the workers that are earning for these companies.

If there were anything fair about this offshoring situation, then if nothing else, even if our jobs were gone, one would think the Indian MTs would be sitting pretty. But, in addition to our middlemen MTSO, then you have to add in THEIR middlemen skimming even more off the MTs wages. When you factor in the same "produce, produce!" mindset, and no cost of living, seniority or merit raises, it's little wonder they're just as ticked off about their situation as we are about ours.

They're right to worry about the Philippines sucking work out of India, it's already happening here, as well. And down the line, if MT even still exists anymore, there is still China to take into consideration, since both the US government and AHDI are bed buddies with China now, too.

I think most underdeveloped or 3rd world countries are fairly used to the 2 societal levels: The haves, and the have-nots, with no middle class. Thanks to "globalization" of American jobs, I think we're well on our way to that type of country, ourselves.

There's nothing wrong with working, nothing wrong with owning a company and making a profit. But I think there's something very wrong with companies being allowed to get SO big, that the start calling the shots in government, bribing government officials, and gobbling each other up, all in the name of becoming even bigger and richer, even if it means many people who are the real workers - the ones who turn the wheels of industry with their own labor - are trampled underfoot and suffer from increasing poverty. The poorer people become, the less of a "voice" they have, as well. It's an ever-growing downward spiral.

I also continue to place a lot of blame on the Stock Market. It encourages bloated overgrowth of companies, and obscene profits to company executives, all in the name of profits for Wall Street's shareholders, so that those running Wall Street also earn obscene profits as well.

Society as a whole would do far better if companies were a little smaller (and thus more manageable, with less clout on Capitol Hill; if the Rich were a little less richer, and everyone else under them were a little bit richer. Then everybody would come out ahead, not just the top 1%.

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