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Are you getting Fiesa audited daily? Mine have picked up. - HanginInThere

Posted: Nov 26, 2013

I have noticed my Fiesa audits have picked up significantly.  Several reports a day usually.  Maybe a day or 2 in a week where there is no audits.  Wondering if they are zoning in on me or if this is norm across the board.

not alone - new but old

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You are certainly not alone. I am picked apart for commas, etc. So sick and tired of it all

always been picked apart, just not as often as now - HanginInThere

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I have definitely dealt with the same scrutiny, but wasn't sure how often others were being audited. How many reports being audited has definitely picked up for me.

Fiesa lately - 7thchild

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I'm in the dog house this week too. Last week was very quiet (or quieter than usual anyway). This week, it feels like they are dinging me to death

I have no idea, I am not logging in to check--sm - anon

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It seems as if some people get e-mails regarding FIESA but I never have. I came over with Transcend so am on beyondtext. There are occasionally emails that we are required to go in and check but after a few times of getting my dander up, I decided it was not worth it so I am blissfully unaware. I just sign in to do my work and sign out when done.

Don't know either and not - looking.

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Not worth the aggravation. Actually, it's not worth anything.
Same here ! I NEVER check it. nm - mt2
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Towards the end - ex-Nuancer

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I was getting audited constantly and the last quarter I had a 97% score. Prior to that I always had over 99%.

Now on my new job for the last 6 months consistently I have a 99.75% score.

The only difference is there is no bonus based on audit scores at the new job. Pretty obvious Nuance is rigging the QA scores to make sure no one (or very few) get the bonus.

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