A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

I know this has been talked to death but has anyone that had - PAMT again

Posted: Aug 06, 2012

their work go on Epic had a little bit of work left for them or nothing at all.  I guess I am just obsessing about this because I am going through it now.  I have posted before but just feel better when people that have worked with Epic can explain what I can expect or not expect.  I dont feel like looking for another job but maybe that will happen with all these jobs by 2014.  Isnt that when it has to be in place as far as EMR.  I wonder why my hospital picked Epic but I guess to get rid of us.  One more thing to have to deal with it seems. 

Experience with Epic - On site MT

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I've been on Epic for over a year, I work on site and have been at the same place for 18 years. When we first converted, we literally fought each other for work, there was very little to do and they put most of us on a data entry project for several months. Gradually, the work load increased and now there is a lot to do, although I'd say our volume is down about 50%. I can't tell you what to expect or not to expect because every facility's experience is different. I've been worrying and wondering about my job for many months too but I'd have a lot to lose if I left so I'm waiting to see what will happen, we were given a heads up 2 years ago and the axe still has not fallen. I've been looking for another MT job and will probably have something else lined up if they decide to let us go. Epic's a great system which is probably why your hospital picked it, it wasn't to get rid of you. It is all encompassing in regard to scheduling, billing and many other applications including an electronic health record. It has MTs worried of course but that's how it goes sometimes with new technology. My suggestion would be to start looking for something else but don't quit your job until you know for sure what will happen. If you don't want to continue doing MT, train for something else. I'm approaching the age where I can retire so I'm planning to hang in there. Sorry to be so vague but it's really different in every situation.

I understand. As I said further down, I am the only one - PAMT

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basically on this surgicenter so there may be enough for PT. I dont really mind going PT actually. There are tons of ESLs in this account and they are rough. I also am nearing retiring so would like to at least have a little something to do but I wont have to depend on it for everything which is nice. We shall wait and see. I guess if they can get normals for a lot of that work it wont be so good but I dont believe they will be able to do that for all of it. I just wonder how long it will take them to get it all set up as they just started it a few days ago.

Set up - On site MT

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If I remember correctly, our set up went pretty fast, we had a little bit of training, it's easy to learn. When they go live they probably will add a few providers at a time, that is how we did it. I know it's hard but try not to worry, I hope everything works out for you. We also have Dragon and it doesn't work for the ESLs so that is probably in your favor.
We are actually on the DQS system and they havent gone to speech in - PAMT
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my surgicenter for some reason. Not sure why but they are set up for it and have been for quite a while. Probably will get into that when Epic starts up dont know.

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