A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Geez. What little things make me feel better. - Pleasantly surprised.

Posted: Sep 24, 2011

I just heard a dictator say "thank you transcriptionist for your hard work.  I know I am not easy to transcribe.  Have a good day".  I am SHOCKED!   Haven't heard a thank-you like that in a long time!

my lil thanks - Bhappy

[ In Reply To ..]
I have a doctor that slurrs though his name so fast at the end of his reports that, to me, it sounds like he is saying thank you and my name, even though he is just saying his name.

Every time he does it, I say out loud... "Thank you too, Dr. XXX."

and you never will from this company - North MT

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When all the MTs hear are negative comments to the point they are afraid to check their email or answer the phone perhaps it is time to try something different. And I don't mean a $50 Walmart card or a stupid mouse pad. How sad that the docs tell us thanks and don't even know us and our own EMPLOYERS cannot even find the words to say "thanks" and mean it.

Unfortunately this is the norm in this company, they obviously never heard of catching more flies with honey than vinegar or realize that a happy employee is a more productive employee. But remember it works both ways. Every weekend it seems we are getting the "critical" and "high backlog" reports and apparently nobody feels motivated to work. They don't get and they never will.

a small thanks would mean so much - from the ccm

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My sister just got a job at Taco Bell, she is 42, been a waitress all her life. She received 2 awards this week, one for employee of the week, and one for new on drive-thru. She said, "I am on cloud 9 because someone appreciates me." I told her to ask if they were hiring. I am so sick of doing what I do for such a small amount of pay and cannot even get a GOOD JOB or WE APPRECIATE YOU, or THANKS from my boss. Even when I got 100% on my audit from last month. I never even got an e-mail that I passed the audit, had to search the QA feedback on my own. NICE!

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