A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Former Accentus - anybody else think HR acted like we make thousands of dollars a month? Geez. - sad

Posted: Nov 22, 2013

I love being an MT.  But it is truly time to accept the inevitable and move on.   The pay now totally sucks and it's very detrimental to my health.  I can do this, and will.  

After the holidays, I am making changes.  I always said I never wanted to go back and work in an office but I do believe that day has finally come!  I have known the reality of what was happening, yet have hung on for the flexiblity (which probably is gone again now too with the web clock) .. hear those nails being hammered in? 

I used to make $50,000-$60,000 a year .. I'll be lucky to make $30,000 this year.  It truly is not worth it anymore.  The saddest part is - I truly love doing MT.  :(

Back to health insurance --- Why bother Nuance to even freakin offer health insurance?  The premiums are ridiculous if you need to cover spouse/children ...for a crap plan.  And sure .. If I don't eat, I can put some in a HSA and the 401K ... and .. even life insurance! Maybe I should just buy the life insurance so my family will be taken care of!

The getting PTO is nice, holiday extra pay is nice .. but the health insurance plan will cost me 2/3 of what I pay now (will be around 740 a month for hubby and I), but I have to pay 2500 before it pays for anything except pharmacy co-pay and the wellness benefits?  Are getting the contractual rates worth over $8000 a year ?  God help us if we get sick.

It does not even cover sick office visits .... So, I am paying 2/3 of my current but at least decent coverage pjlan .. but my deductible is going from $500 to $2500 and my out of pocket up to $5000.  really?  $5000 deductible + $8800 a year in premiums is over half of my salary after taxes.  Totally laughable. 

And the high deductible plan is even more of a joke.  Who the (bad word) can afford to pay $7500 before it pays for anything?  and premiums are still around I think $500 a month for employee + 1.

I'd think they'd be embarassed to even offer these plans.  If I drank, I'd go get some cheese to accompany my whine ... just venting. 



$740 a month for employee and spouse? - insane

[ In Reply To ..]
You can probably do better buying your own insurance from Blue Cross.

I'm going to check into ACA but they said .. - sad

[ In Reply To ..]
in the presentation we would may not be eligible for subsidy, I guess since this employer option is available. Going to do some research this weekend .. but as I said, I'll be looking into jobs/schools outside of MT as well. And this is BC&BS. :) I actually have been paying more than the $740 BUT so much better plan with deductible and co-pays. The part I can't get over is it does not even cover sick office visits till you pay the 2500.

that is really bad - insane

[ In Reply To ..]
I am always amazed at insurance that bad. You know, keep in mind, those rules about not being eligible for subsidy apply only to the employee, not the family. You could insure yourself through Nuance, and hubby could go elsewhere.

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