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Just curious, but how does it make you feel when your - sm

Posted: May 28, 2014

company constantly gives kudos to other MTs and always talks down to you, is rude, etc.  I am so tired of this.  Ready to quit!!!!!

hmmm do you work for KS - Brit

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Nope. Another company that I am afraid to name - nm

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How 'bout the company that sounds like a - sneeze?

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I'm curious about that one ... can't come up with anything. nm - achoo
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TTS? - Kind of sounds like a sneeze
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Best I can do as far as company sneezes.

Homicidal. - n/m

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LOL! I know that's right! - nm

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S? nm - hmm

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ST? hmmmm - nm

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BINGO! - nm

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At my company I am odd man out. Every other - MT loves accounts, gets quotas

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doesn't make mistakes, never complains, never runs out of work. I think that is the company line to make you feel isolated and stupid. Obviously this is untrue because I read the posts on their board on MT Stars.

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