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Does break send a job right back to the pool? - dnr

Posted: Feb 17, 2010

I've been told abandon leaves the job out in limbo for a couple of hours.

Yes, break job sends it back to work pool... - Dinosaur

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without delay. If the job was entered as an incorrect work type, change the work type before sending it back into the work pool or you will most likely get that job again.

Yes, it goes back in the pool but - sm

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if you are the one breaking it, chances are it will come right back to you. It will just go the back of the line of your assigned jobs.

The only way to actually get rid of a job and hope it doesn't come back is to abandon it. An abandoned job actually goes to the end of the line for all assigned jobs for the day.

The only acceptable reasons for breaking a job is if...sm - oldtimer

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you receive a job that is miscoded and/or a type you are not approved to do. If you change the work type to the correct one, it should not come back to you.

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