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How often do you take a break and for how long? sm - WorkerBee

Posted: Jan 25, 2015

I am trying to increase my production and am wondering if I push through could I take a break and then be more productive when I go back.  How often do you take a break and for how long?

I find that if I dont take regular breaks - my production per hour

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gets lower and lower the longer I work w/o a break. I always have to work split shifts. I can't sit in one place for longer than a couple hours at a time. Not good for you anyway.

I need breaks...SM - Old Anon

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My MTSO adds an extra hour to our shift, so we can log out and take breaks. I usually take around 10 minutes at the 1/4 to 1/3 mark, then a longer break to eat at around the halfway mark, then another 10 minutes or so at the 3/4 mark. I always get up, move around, do a short chore, play play with my cat, or all of the above. I can always tell when I need a break. It's like an inner mind/body fatigue that sets in, and I feel better after I've had one. You need breaks.

breaks - sm

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I take a 5-minute break every hour. I need to get up and stretch my legs and wrists. I used to try to push through as well, but I have found that my production is much better if I give myself small frequent breaks.

That's what I need too do..sm - WorkerBee

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I need to take five minutes and recuperate every hour or so. I bet my productivity will go up.

I do not take breaks and my production - extremely high- NM

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To the one who does not take breaks - whats your age?

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I used to be that way. Work straight through to 8 hours, sometimes not even take a potty break and I was grossing 2000 lines; however, once I reached my 50's and once the MT industry starting changing to our detriment, my production is at an all time low. I try to achieve at least 1200 a day but don't always make it.

To add to my previous post - I am now age 59

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High production person and my - age in 2 months will be

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72. Yep, that golden age already. Do not break for meals either. That is how I have always worked or tried to. Some places if working inhouse wanted you to stop and take lunch time. I would leave the office and just read the paper to pass the time. Don't like to be slowed down.
High production and I was the one not - taking the breaks. NM
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You are amazing - TinTin
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Don't take this wrong. I always call this my old lady job because I thought I would do this until age 70 in 6 years.But I don't know. Obama extended an act that allows more foreign doctors to flood in and there are a couple of them who owe me money because I work for Nuance and they dock your pay when they do quality checks on the hardest doctors. You Go Girl.
Hats off to you at 72 - and still high producer
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line count - mt

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You don't always make 150?
Not understanding your question - What is 150? NM
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sorry - mt
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I wasn't thinking about where I was.
She probably means - 150 LPH
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Are you talking 150 lph for a total of - 1200 lines a day?
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I think 150 lph is extremely slow. On straight typing did over 2500 lines a day, with VR more.

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