A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

M*Modal enter key not working - ugh!

Posted: Feb 23, 2012

Suddenly today when editing in M*Modal I can hit enter to get text to go to the next line, but it does not skip a line like it should for a new paragraph, and if I hit enter again at the beginning of that line it will not put in another line. It's not my enter key because it works fine in word and

here.....:-) So it's within the program and I have searched and searched to try to find out what I did. I must have disabled that somehow but I have no idea and I need it back! I can't make new paragraphs, only can advance to the next line. Any ideas?

enter key not working - anne

[ In Reply To ..]
This may not apply to you, but this just happened to me and I use the Apex platform, so this reply is with regards to this only.

We were told not to use IE 9 version browser, and I had deleted it had had IE 8. Microsoft just recently in their arrogant way determined IE9 to be an "important" update, and most of us have our computers to automatically download the "important" updates. I called my tech help and told them what was happening, and they said it sounded like I had IE9. I looked and I had it! So, back to the drawing board, I deleted it and went back to IE8 and everything works again.

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