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bonus criteria? How do you know you got it? - me

Posted: Jul 13, 2014

Have seen posts that it goes from April 1 to end of June. Another that says beginning of a pay period in April and end of a pay period in late June or early July. 

This will be my first time (I think) of getting quarterly bonus.  My percentages show over 99.5.  How do I find out if I did indeed qualify? 

Is it in the employee manual we had to sign? 

July 16 when the time sheet for last week is uploaded - Jc

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In webclock you will see what your QA % is and that is what they base your quarterly percentage on as well as the next 3 months of bonuses on your paycheck. The quarter actually runs from Apr 12 thru July 11.

Nope. The quarter is based on calendar dates. 04/01/2014 -06/30/2014 - wannie

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It's on the payroll calendar. I believe that can be found in Enrich.

What exactly is based on the calendar? - Have been told otherwise

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When I was hired and a few times early on when I asked, I was told that the quarters were calendar quarters when it came to the Post-Audit QA scores.

However, I was later told (and it has been mentioned several times on this board) that the quarters ended the last day of the pay-period in which the calendar quarter ended. So, since June 30th fell in the middle of a pay-period, the actual end date would be July 4th, the last day of the pay-period.

I never have, to this day, gotten clarification as to whether the dates are specific to the date of dictation, the date it was transcribed/edited, or if it is the date the actual report was QA'd.

I'm not saying my information is correct, I'm just voicing what I've heard and been told directly in the past.
On the payroll calendar for this year, the - wannie
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pay periods are color coded by quarters at the top of the page. That makes it look like the quarter ends at the end of a pay period. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, it shows the actual quarter dates (color coded) and they are definitely by calendar months. When I have checked my QA score in FIESA using the calendar dates, it always matches the QA score that shows up on the time card. Hope this helps, even though I know it's all as clear as mud, lol.
Unable to find - Did my own calculations
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I could not find what you are talking about. I mean, I found the payroll calendar, but it is not color coded and does not have the quarter dates listed. I checked everywhere.

However, when I did the calculations, it looks like it's Post Audits that are dated by calendar quarters based on the date of transcription (which is not the default setting, which is date of review).

This is really confusing because I've had multiple TSM's and read many threads on here that say otherwise. Oh well.

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