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ScribeRight - Has anyone asked/received an answer on what the criteria was for those of us "let - wondering...

Posted: Jul 13, 2012

I sent H an email asking how they chose those who were staying on, just to get a feel for their decision, but have not had the courtesy of a response back.  Has anyone else asked and received a response?

I asked but did not get a response - sm

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I'm totally disgusted with they way they handled this situation. I clearly remember on the phone them bragging about how well they treat their IC's and how they treat us like employees and they care about all of us. Well, I don't agree with that statement at all. If you really did care, you would've give those of us who got the boot some type of warning weeks earlier or gave me an explanation of why I was let go.

I agree! - wondering

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In her email she said, "If you have any questions, let me know." The courtesy of a response is not a lot to ask, especially when her boss, the HBIC, brags so much about how wonderful she is. Every time I hear her voice in my head I just want to scream.

I agree - CTMT

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I am having a hell of a time getting a job, i have an interview all the way on the 24th of July, i am so PO's that I have to go through this, my family is going through it, very little money, never again would I go back to Scriberight, we all should of gotten even a weeks notice, we got an email on July 5 which was still leading us on, then canned on July 10th - we waited since June 30th because they asked us to. its going to be hard on all of us let go to find something quick because we are all applying for the same positions as the same time, really hated this!

Just curious if your interview is in Michigan? - anon

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please tell me it's not - NetMed
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interview - CTMT
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No not MI, its with one of these big MTSO's - not overlyjoyed that I will probably have to work 2nd shift and Saturdays - its hard on the kids, but I cannot be choosey now thanks to ScribeRight
I have a very long wait for an interview at hospital in Mich? - not until July 31?
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Just seems strange to put off a phone interview that far off.

And no it is not NetMed............never..........

Didn't they explain on conference call?.....sm - Let it go

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They explained the best they could already. It wasn't just ONE thing like you seem to want to hear. It was everything combined. I'm sure low QA scores were probably definite goners right away. After that, I'm sure they looked at it from every angle (like they already said), since so many had passing QA scores they had to look at other things as well. Maybe you just sent too many emails questioning everything! LOL

If any of the ones left on the Keep List decide they don't want to stay afterall or needs to cut their hours, then it was my understanding people from the Cut List would be contacted first to come back if they wanted. I truly believe the company did not want to do this but was forced to do this when the schedule changed and they had way too many contractors on board.

In the end, they had way too many contractors for this position (which they made clear). Since more than half were let go, I'm sure it was a very tough situation in that many of those were probably very good at the position with passing QA scores. That tells me they truly did look at everything in making their decisions. They obviously did not just do it based on QA scores, length of time being on the project, or any other one thing.

Please try to move on. I sincerely hope you find other employment soon. Being let go is tough. I managed to keep this job, but I have been let go from others with no explanation at all....just one day could not login and never heard from the people again.

At the very least, you gained some new experience. If you live in a city, you can check Indeed dot com for inhouse positions that would include things like document imaging specialist positions, which is basically adding the old paperwork to the new EMR system. These jobs are becoming popular inoffice, but not so much online yet.

I already have another job... - wondering

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...I just wanted to know what to do or not do if they call me back. If you are staying, it's easy to say "let it go." I solely support my family, and I'm sure they know that, and would have thought that would weigh in somewhat, but I guess they truly don't care.

so what you are saying - huh

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That because you are the sole supporter of your family, it makes YOUR job more important than everyone else's? I am sure that everyone that was let go or that stayed NEEDS that job or they wouldn't be working there. To say that you should have gotten to keep your job because you are a sole supporter of your family is ludicrous!
NOPE, just saying - wondering
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If you're married and your spouse is working, too, you have two incomes to keep a roof over your head. If you don't have that help, it's on YOU to keep a roof over your head. You might have to sell a car or cut back on other things from 2 incomes down to 1, but from 1 down to zero....then what? If I were doing this to my contractors, I'd take that into consideration. If you wouldn't then that's your call.
personal lives - not a consideration
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I don't think it would be very smart business practice to take into consideration contractors's personal lives. You are a CONTRACTOR NOT an EMPLOYEE, YOU work for YOURSELF, it's not their responsiblity to take into consideration your family circumstances. I personally think it would be very poor business practice to keep someone with lower quality scores or lower jobs per hour just because they were a single parent/sole provider of their family. It all comes down to dollars and cents and I am sure they weighed every possibility that would get them the most effective team to get the job done, simple as that. People's personal lives were probably not an issue at all in deciding who stays and who goes, as it shouldn't have been.
thanks for the reply, Lisa - at least we finally got an answer!
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so it was # of jobs per hour + QA scores. good to know!
not Lisa - but not stupid
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It doesn't take a CEO of a company to figure out that more accurate/faster producing contractors make more money for the company. Is it really that hard for you to understand? Would you prefer they kept substandard contractors because they were single parents? Probably won't stay in business very long if they lead with their heart versus their heads. But every reply you post is just evidence of why you were let go.
more like those that didn't give them a hard time got - to stay, not a CEO either, sm
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but from what I have read even those with high QA scores and productivity were let go. I'm guessing (just as you are since you're not Lisa) the real decision was made on who is the most likely to comply, or who didn't resist when we asked them to do this or that.
does it really matter - outside looking in
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how they chose who they let go/stay? Would it make any of you feel better if they said they threw names in a hat and drew? how about they looked at geographical location and kept those that lived in climates less likely to be hit with inclement weather? maybe they kept all the people whose zodiac signs they liked? maybe they kept those with odd numbered birthdays and let the evens go? Does it really matter? they did what they did, you do or you don't have a job and no amount on speculation is going to bring your job back if you were one let go.
You are right, that is probably how they chose - It does not matter to me either, nm
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by the way...you're hourly, why are you on here? - wondering

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shouldn't you be processing charts? wouldn't want your production rates to go down, or you might be next!

That's a pretty low snipe to an IC with no set hours - Perhaps she isnt working at this moment

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Those grapes...they're certainly sour!

Let it go? Would you let it go if you were let go? - sm

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It's easy for you to say "let it go" because you have a job, have money coming, can pay your bills. For those of us let go without an answer or warning, it's hard to not take it personal. Have a little understanding and empathy.

Aren't they smug, the ones that got to stay? - CTMT

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why don't they just let us vent and stop with rubbing it in that they got to stay?
I noticed all the dislikes on comments that were not in favor - of ScribeRight, wonder if it is, sm
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the ScribeRight cheerleader who has nothing but gushy things to say about them. I think you know who I'm talking about. They certainly don't like the bad publicity, but I see it this way, in the future, people will know when they say this and say that what they really mean.

Maybe you should re-read my first post!.... - Let it go

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I have plenty of empathy and understanding for everyone involved. If you would have read (and comprehended) my post above, you would have seen that I have been let go from jobs in the past without even so much as a phone call or email....just simply went to login one day to work and no longer had access! One company (Landmark) did this to me and never would correspond afterwards to even say I was no longer needed. Another local company had their contract dropped, I showed up for work like normal and was told to go home the job was over! I know what the shock and anger feels like because I've been there.

I am sorry for anyone who loses their job, not just at ScribeRight. I am a single parent of 2 children doing everything I can to pay my bills as well. I have been around long enough to know that things can change in a split second in this business.

Can't wait to start using my brain again - CTMT

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Because expanding "tab" to tablet is really beneath me, LOL

Green is not a good color on you - As in envious

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I don't find the posters who were successful at keeping their positions smug at all. That being said, your posts insulting those who were successful and the company itself? They are almost visibly dripping with envy.

Truthfully, I've been wondering too - Would Just Like To Know

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I would like to have a little more detail, too, as to why I was chosen to be let go. I debated sending an email to LP but knew I would never get an answer from her - I think she's too busy, and, now that her part of sounding "sincerely sorry" at letting us all go is complete, I believe she is the one who has "moved on" and really doesn't care enough to answer back. I think I'll send one to H and maybe A - they both were the ones with whom I communicated before, and both were always quick to answer in a kind and efficient manner. I think the main reason I want to know - not that I haven't "let it go" - but just so I can improve myself if necessary for the next position. I'll be interested to see if anyone did ask and was answered.

don't waste your time... - wondering

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Helen is who I sent my email to. No answer. They just don't give a damn. They over hired to impress the client, now it's so long, suckers!

I think it depends on who you ask in the company - Former DMT

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I was upset when I was let go because I had 2 great QA scores and was above the charts per hour they posted every day. I knew better than to ask Lisa - she never struck me as the caring and compassionate type - more rude and uncaring. And I wasn't sure that Helen could tell me anything more than what I heard on the call. So I ended up sending an email to Al, because I had asked questions of him before and he answered quickly. He answered me back this morning. He apologized again for having to let me go, said he didn't want to have to let anyone go, but it was strictly a business decision and nothing personal. He said he tried every way he could to keep all DMTs, but the schedule change and slowness of chart download from the client made it impossible. He stated again the biggest deciding factor of who was let go and who was kept was based on production and quality. Anything after that, apparently, came down to minute amounts of QA scores & production amounts, and hiring dates as well. He mentioned again they were keepting the list of those DMTs who were cut and if anyone of the DMTs who were kept decided to leave we would all be given a chance to work for ScribeRight again. He did assure me that he was being as honest as possible about everything and if I had more questions, I was free to email him back and ask. I felt better after I got this. I mean, I would still have liked to have kept my job, but at least now I know it wasn't anything against me - it was just something they had to do for business reasons. I can understand that - I don't have to be happy about it LOL, but I can understand it. So - for those of you who are wanting to know more, I'd suggest emailing Al - as company VP, he seems to be the most honest and reliable person to ask - as well as the only one who'll answer.

That was nice of him...love Al! - wondering

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My QA scores were fine, too...production fell within the average and was hired in the first wave. I do have another job already so not really obsessing over it, it's just I'd like to know for future reference if they ask me back specifically, why me?

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