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survey: How do you proof your work - soofie

Posted: Nov 08, 2011

My manager (not an MT) is challenging me on the method I proof my work.

How do you proof?

a: listening to the audio at a higher speed while you review and correct the text on the screen?

b: print out on paper, read, and then correct on the computer?

c: read the screen with no audio and correct as you go?

I assume you mean VR/ASR... - MT

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I've been editing VR for about 10 years (out of 20+ transcribing). I've never heard of B and C. I do it A (which is also the way the companies who actually created VR programs, Dictaphone for example, personally came in and trained us). Of course, however, some doctors you can't listen to at a higher speed if they're bad dictators and/or speech gets every other word wrong.

I do straight typing from voice files - BB

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After transcribing, I go back and read over what I have typed, without listening again. Depending on the length of the report, I do it either at the end or section by section.

I am looking for typos and grammar. I do not listen to the dictation again to make sure I got every actual word correct. I am sure enough of my listening skills that I am not going to do it twice.

However, I don't have anyone coming behind me and listening to that dictation and reading my report to make sure I did it correctly. If I have transcribed it and there are no flags, my boss sends it on to the client.

I am my own QA, other than the dictator him/herself, and that is how I proof/QA my work.

Usually C - ozmt

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For most of my accounts I can proof as I go. For some dictators I will proofread the entire letter. I do go back and listen to any flagged areas a couple of times before sending to QA and will vary the speed as sometimes going faster or slower than I originally transcribed at means I can pick up the blanked word/s.

For a brand new client I might use A for a couple of files just to be sure I've not missed anything.

I also do QA and we have to listen to the entire file rather than just the flags (similar to VR) and I use A - I go as fast as I can that I can still understand.

The only time I used B (printing to paper) was when I sat my MT school's final and went over everything with a fine tooth comb before submitting.

My Method - JR

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I, too, am assuming ASR that is already on the screen.

I listen word for word, edit/proof as I go, then go back and do a full read against the voice, only the 2nd time around, I speed up the tape.

When I transcribe, I usually just proof as I go, might go back and do a full listen and read if I had been struggling.

Proof as I go - Ayn

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The only time I relisten is if I have a blank, and I never go back and reread/proof an entire report once done with the document. I might relisten to a particular section if it was questionable in some way or particularly difficult.

IMO - a quality, experienced MT should not need to go back over each entire document to "proof" her/his work, except for rare occasions.

Whats the difference between proofing as you go - and doing it all at the end

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There is none.

As-you-go or all-at-the-end. It has nothing to do with quality or experience.

bcz the mind's eye can trick you into seeing words - that are not there.

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I carefully edit and proofread as I go because quite honestly they do not pay me enough to go back and listen again. However, if I am being QA'd then I do go back and listen a second time. 99% of the time I do not miss anything, but there is that 1% where either I did not catch and incorrect dosage or lab value, or flat out miss a word that I SWEAR was there..which leads me to my hypothesis that as we read medical records - proofing and editing - our mind's eye will "trick" us into seeing words and phrases we KNOW should be there and in fact are not..especially if we are trying to do this stuff quickly to make any sort of $$

Money. Over the year, lots of it. - NM

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Exactly! - Ayn
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IMO - For an experienced, quality MT it is unneccessary to always relisten/reread/proof after typing the report. We should be able to get it right the 1st time. I'm not trying to bash newbies or anyone else, just saying what works for me. And I realize there are certain instances when "proofing" is necessary for anyone of any level, but as a general rule IMO you should be proofing/editing/correcting as you go rather than going back over a report multiple times. IMO, that approach takes much more time and, therefore, you lose $$. I've seen MTs who had no confidence in their work who did this, going back over every entire report once if not twice. Their reports were full of blanks and flags because they just wanted to type the report quickly, not looking anything up, not correcting typos, etc. Then, at the end, they would listen & relisten to the report, looking up blanks, spellchecking, correcting, proofing, etc. -- they looked at how quickly they typed the report but not the TOTAL time it took them to finish and submit the report. They couldn't make minimum wage, but couldn't understand why because "well, gee, I type fast."

For me, it is much faster to think as I type, research as I type, and correct/proof/edit as I type rather than fly through a report not worrying about mistakes because I'm going to go back and correct/proof/edit once I'm done. Sure, I typed the report faster, but then how much time do I spend going back and proofing/correcting/editing? If that works for others, great, but for me it works much better and faster to do all that as I go.

I manage to research blanks, look up lab values/meds/etc., correct my typos, correct the doc's garbled grammar/punctuation/sentence structure, etc, etc as I go and still do 200 lph with an average QA of 99.5, so "proofing" as I go does work for me - but I understand it may not for others. Variety is the spice of life after all.

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