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Tell me how your proof your report - Ella

Posted: Jun 08, 2013

I'm curious as to what your most effective way is to proofread reports.  When the report is short, only several minutes, I don't have a problem listening to the entire dictation again and read back through what I typed, but when you have one that's, let's say, an hour or more long, I'm really cutting my pay in half.  Do you go through the entire report while listening to the audio again, or do you proof two or three sentences at a time while still working on the report, or do you only go back to fill in the blanks?

Go back through a big report? I will not even - go back through a small one

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I constantly have scores 98-99+ and never proof anything, do spell check at end and that is that. I have done this for years but even when newby still never reread a report through once I had finished.

same here, but I scan the report for grammar alerts - (green underline w/Word)

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That will pick up potential typos.

yep, me too. Grammar alerts also pick up most expander mistakes. - NM

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tell me how you proof your report - ep

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I try to go back through the audio dictation if I can not figure out something that the doctor says 2-3 more times after a few minutes. Sometimes I can get it and fill in the blank, sometimes I will leave it blank for the doctor to fill in or google what it sounds like so that I can pick it up that way.

Most times I just proofread without audio - (SM)

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If they are short reports, I read from start to finish once I have finished transcribing. For the long reports, I proof each paragraph once it is typed. I don't listen to the whole audio again, just the blanks to see if I can pick them up. Every now and then, if I get a new dictator with a heavy accent (lots of residents where I work), I will listen to the audio all the way through again. Most of my dictators I know really well, though, which helps a lot with proofing. I have never mastered proofing every 5 words as I transcribe, and my quality has suffered when I have tried this technique. I am not the fastest transcriptionist at my company, but I am one of the most accurate.

Thankfully, we are paid by the hour, although we do have to meet a minimum LPH to keep our jobs. Also, we are only paid if we are transcribing and have to clock out if no work. When there is a lot of work, it is wonderful, and I will never go back to working on productivity again (currently transitioning out of MT).

I never re-listen unless (sm) - Angie

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Unless it is a specific spot I could not understand and many times I can hear it the second listen. There is no way I would sit through all those long pauses a second time, even on chipmunk speed - it takes way too much time and would cut my minimum wage in half again. In a dictation with long pauses, I'll use that time to proof, but normally I just check formatting as I page-up to the beginning, then do a speed read (3 lines at at time). I always pay attention to the grammar alerts, as usually those are things like a change in tense I didn't catch. I also add the spell alerts to the dictionary if I know they are correct.

Still, I need to make this go faster to make a living but no sure what else to cut back on. Part of my time wasted is looking up doctor names for cc's to get a first name which I have got to stop doing.

Be careful looking up things and inserting if - not dictated. sm

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I looked up a first name the other night and, trying to be helpful, since the address was right there in front of me, I inserted it for the cc. Nope, won't do THAT again, that's for sure! I got a full 1-point demerit for it. Speaker didn't dictate it, I wasn't supposed to enter it, even in the cc: box. :(

That is crazy! - hjs

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You would think that is what you're supposed to do.

proof as I go along - OHMT

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I just proof as I go along. I pay attention to what the doc is saying about the patient (imagine if it were your own relative) and so I'm able to catch discrepancies, like dates, left/right, etc. When I find myself zoning out and just typing, I know it's time for a break. It's sort of like being in past, present, and future all at the same time... past (reading what you've just typed), present (the actual typing), and future (anticipating what is coming up next), and I think I've gotten pretty good at it. I do not re-read or re-listen to entire report once it's done. Yes, that does basically cut your pay in half. You could start out by listening to part of a sentence, as much as you can remember, then take your foot off the pedal and type it. Set it to rewind a couple of seconds so it replays what you just typed and proof it right then. As you get proficient, your time on the foot pedal will increase and your breaks off the pedal will decrease.

I make templates for words I misspell or transpose (like adn for and), medications with capital letters and symbols, shortcuts for doctors' names that are dictated frequently, etc.

If I can't figure out a blank after listening a few times, I leave a blank and go back when I'm done with the report. Sometimes with the context of the report and/or if they repeat the word later, you will get it.

If you have access to prior reports or the patient chart, take advantage of it!

I also keep lists of difficult-to-spell meds and procedures. And I also have a list of all the doctors mentioned, adding to it as I go along (after confirming spellings and credentials of course) so I'm not constantly having to look up these doctors all the time.

Hope this helps!

Proofing - Ella

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This is lots of great advice, thank you! I know I feel really guilty when I don't re-listen to the report as I think that's what a "good MT" is expected to do, but in this new career opportunity they pay $10 for 15 minutes of audio, and I can type fast enough to earn about $13/hour if I do not re-listen to the entire report.

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