I am interested in learning how many currently practicing MTs struggle to get their lines in due to their being "no work available."
Do you find yourself out of work and having to try to make up lines outside your usual schedule?
Only occasionally? Often? Every day? Seldom? Never happens?
Thanks everyone!Mary
Optional data: ...
to spell the abbreviation of subcutaneous? is is subcu or subcut? i have this argument every time with QA. could i get someone to help me please?
thanks much in advance!!!!
Just read through the survey without answering the questions. Waste of time! No matter how many of us answer it and regardless of what we say, after it is all over they will tell us that MQ employees love the company. This is just a way to try to placate us and make us think that our opinions count. You can all take turns flogging me if I'm wrong. ...
I am an MT who has been around for 14 years with this company and I have my gripes like all the rest of you. I took the survey and stuck it to them when it mattered. For example, when they ask if compensation encourages people to do their best, the obvious answer is "strongly disagree" right? When they ask if compensation is clearly tied to performance....again "strongly disagree." Whether our answers matter or not, it's our opportunity to vent our frustrations with ...
I had so much fun using words like despicable and abomination that I just couldn't help myself and filled it out 3 times. I expect when all is said and done they will tell us that the vast majority of responses were positive and almost everyone loves the company but at least I had a few minutes of sheer enjoyment. ...
Before the new pay rule game, I made 7.5 cents (3.75 cents for editing). Then when this new pay game started, I made less at 7 cents. However, I find lately I've been actually making noticeably more money with this pay game. You just got to keep quality and pending to QC under control. In fact, I think I now make a few hundred dollars more per month, if I keep it up, keeping quality up and QC pending down. I know some of you were actually paid 8 cents (4 cents for editing), so there is ...
For those who are comfortable sharing this info, what is the pay rate for VR (as opposed to straight typing) and what is the average amount of lines one can cover in an hour at MModal? Thanks for your help. ...
Question: How many MTs really need their jobs and how many just do it for a little bit of extra pocket $$$ (have someone else in the family who is the main breadwinner)? ...
Every time MQ sends out a survey they use it to justify a pay cut or cesspool or other "great" ideas. They twist the results of the survey to fit their agenda and then say- see the MTs agree that ASR is better or they are sick of running out of work. JMHO but I am not filling it out so they can use my answers to make my job worse than it already is. ...
Less than 10% of us have taken the long, boring, unpaid survey about your latest software tweak. Maybe its because we're sick of giving you unpaid freebies! Enterprise sucks. Until you get better programmers it will always suck. Any time we report a problem the IT desk diligently finds ways to try to blame the MT's internet provider, or any other way to pass the buck they can scrounge. There is no point in giving feedback when nobody fixes the obvious.&nbs ...
any MT's that have worked outside of MT industry ever been with a company that posts pay 5 WoRKInG days after the pay period ends - say HOLLA! MY company treats me sooo well! --- and then do tell us all what cocktail of medications you are on. Cheers. ...
Is this survey mandatory? I have only been with KS a few weeks and really like the company and account I am on, I don't really have any ideas for changes ...
They ask something like: What was the brand name and model and if you don't know, then state don't know.
Also asks where do you purchase your headset?
AND SO ...
Did ya'll take that survey? I sure hope some of our comments here on MTStars, went into the "employee satisfaction" survey MQ recently had. On the question of "how well does MQ work for you", my reply was..."it doesn't" and I proceeded to say that I am worth and deserve a decent salary, among other things. I felt that was my chance..whether it ends up in the trash can or not, SOMEONE had to read it. ...
So, since I've been sitting here waiting for work for 3 HOURS, I decided to e-mail Vern and Noel while I'm wasting all this valuable time and ask them when we'll be seeing the results of the survey that we took a month ago. Ya . . . like they'll really respond! Won't be holding my breath but IF I happen to hear anything, I'll be sure to let you all know :-) ...
I was just watching the news, and the all the job openings with average annual income. What I would like to know is this: Is any MT at MM or any other MTSO able to make a living wage? Please be honest. I for one am not evening breaking $1000 a month anymore, and at one time I was able to make at least $36,000 a year. Thanks ...
In the following sentence, I've never heard of "feeling" and interpretation. Anyone know if this sounds right?
"Data acquisition from the head through the pelvis was performed ... fused and reconstructed in transaxial, coronal and parasagittal slices for subsequent feeling and interpretation."
Thank you! ...
At the end of the survey, there is a section for comments. Although I'm sure this survey will change/help nothing, being able to leave this comment did make me feel a little better:
By far, this is the worst company I've ever worked for in over 25 years. Punitive QA and FIESA errors counted as major, which are NOT. At Webmedx, I received an incentive for lines typed, NOT based on trumped down QA scores to keep me from obtaining it. Since Nuance entered my life ...
Wondering if anyone else received the survey regarding QC indif you filled it out and what your responses were. It was a survey that said do you regularly schore 99% or higher. if not it asked what 3 things keep you from reaching the 99% and what 3 things would help you acheive 99%. Wonder what brought that on. ...