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proof is in the pudding - gotcha

Posted: May 27, 2010

I was guilty of taking my audits for granted and putting my tail between my legs and truding on, thinking my situation was horrible and would never change.  Then I read about many MQ MTs challenging their audits, calling QA on the feedbacks, keeping logs, keeping copies to compare before and after QA and today I had my opportunity to call them on a HUGE discrepancy!

I got a score of 89% on a report, had 2 "critical" errors, had ALL the dictated headings changed, and added at the end of the report was a WHOLE TWO PARAGRAPHS, that were not dictated!  I listened, followed along, listened again.  That report was right on, there was nothing wrong that I did.  I read and re-read the client profile and there are NO SPECIFIC instructions, just to follow MQ guidelines and AAMT... so I did.

I made the call, kind of expecting them to justify that score, but guess what?!  she had nothing to say,  NOTHING!  I asked into the silence, what's up with that report?, still no answer.  She literally hung up on me.  I have called back twice, goes right to voice mail. 

Whaddaya think of that??  (keep track of everything is my suggestion to you!)

Power to the MT!! - CA-MT

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Good for you! This website is so informative. Don't know what I'd do without it!

But how do you..... - sm

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keep copies if you don't know what they're going to audit? Also, what kind of information do you keep for logs?

maybe - what i do

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I keep the copies and before I start work the next day, compare it to any feedback I got overnight. If there is something fishy, I keep it.

In my log I chart the IJ#, doc, MR#, patient name, facility, work type and for my own sake if it was a difficult ASR or straight type. Much like the type of work logs we used to keep in the "real world" when we just transcribed. It soulds like a lot, but the more you get yourself in to the habit, it's like another keystroke.

It's been beneficial to me. I've caught crazy weird feedback crud. They don't like it when you can back yourself up!

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