A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

And the survey says . . . - anon

Posted: May 06, 2013

Like the opinion of a lowly MT/ME even matters. They are going to do what they want regardless of our "opinions."

what did you put down to change? - can never think

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I tried to remember some of my issues with the platform for the last question, but I can never remember them when it's time for a survey. Later I'm sure they will come back to me.

Question marks that have to be repopulated in ADT. - NM

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one that comes to mind - anon

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System is NOT learning. I am correcting the same mistakes EVERY DAY.
Yes, never learns. I also added - - dnr
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That IT always blames the transcriptionists for not editing, and if we all edited correctly, the program would learn, but I had looked at many many documents, and they were all properly corrected. I let them know that too! What I got back was to let my TSM know if the problem continues. Well, I did, but, of course, nothing has happened and I never got any sort of reply or acknowledgement of the problem from my TSM.

I also let them know that all their "tips" were worthless, useless and counterproductive to quality.

I also let them know that my line count is 95% dependent on the quality of the output and the amount of formatting that has to be done. I let them know that the program no longer puts in commas in lists and I that costs me a lot of time. H&Ps, for me, are the most formatting intensive and comma adding intensive reports. It can take up 6 minutes to format an H&P, depending on the CP requirements. I go through and give a quick cursory look and format and put in obvious commas in the areas, like PMH or meds, that normally need a lot of commas. That way I don't have to be continually stopping.

I also pointed out that I have to stop so much for the editing because there are too many edits, so I cannot do editing according to their "tip" of doing corrections while continuing to listen. There is an account out there that is so good output-wise, that I don't have to stop, but I only got to work on that account a few times.

I also pointed out that the production graph gives the proof about the quality of the ASR output.

When I began the survey, I looked like it could be marketing material ploy, but I decided to continue on knowing that I did not have to hit send. Finally got to the part where I could comment on ASR.

Unfortunately, there was no place to comment about all the functions they have screwed up in DQS/Fluency with the upgrade. So many frustrating little things that additively make a difference. - Like having to put a space after a word to capitalize it instead of just being able to hit return.

They kept asking about keeping your hands on the keyboard. Huh? The configuration of the short cuts for ASR, at least for my hands, don't allow me to keep my hands on the keyboard.

oh yeah that's a good one - can never think

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I put the thing about it always stopping on the headings if they aren't on the preferred list.

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