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Archivus - Is their platform productive? - anxiousMT

Posted: Jul 11, 2011

Got an interview and I am so worried about their platform or platforms. I am so tired of being disappointed and unproductive on crap platforms. I have read that they are a good place to work. Would love info on that as well. Thanks!!

Platform - MTgal

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They don't have their own platform, but be prepared for running out of work ALL THE TIME and communication (or lack thereof) that is almost sinful to behold. Take the job if it is all you can find...

I was told the platform is transcribe plus. Not sure - anxiousMT

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if anyone has worked on that. I don't want communication so that's not a problem LOL. I am an IC and I can't stand being bothered with emails and IMs unless it's necessary of course. I want to work and be left alone. I can't work for just one company. I stopped doing that years ago because I have had so many accounts lost to VR. I am curious on the platform though. Never heard of it and can't find anything through Yahoo.

It's a good platform. - sm

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I think most of the time it depends on what account you have, but I liked Transcribe Plus. It does what it has to do. I've used some that were horribly slow and this isn't.

While I too like to be just left alone to work, I sometimes felt they took it a little too far. There is no feedback on blanks; considering I average 1 every two months, I want to know what that is. They will occasionally issue a memo about misspelling referring physicians names, a week later followed by a memo saying not to send them to QA for the name but to figure it out ourselves, and then not provide a list for you to figure it out from; I couldn't tell you name of all the neighboring little towns around me, I sure as heck don't know them all in the clinic's area to even know where to start looking. And if you guess wrong, you will hear about it.

On the plus side, they don't do IMs and you could go weeks without hearing from them unless they're emailing about a need for extra help or to clarify holiday hours.

On the whole, though, they really do treat their ICs as ICs, which is pretty rare in these days. The platform is easy to use and doesn't bog down, and as a rule they will leave you alone to do the job.
Wow! Thanks for the info! - anxiousMT
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That really helps. Do you still work there?

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