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PScribe--What productive tool is best to use? - sm

Posted: Jan 21, 2011

That platform does not have a built in productive tool (expansions), and I was just wondering what everyone else uses. Thanks.

Word Auto Correct ... it interfaces with Word, right? nm - MTbell

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Word Auto Correct, is an expansion tool? - sm

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As far as I know it interfaces with Word, the platform. Is that what you're asking?

If it's the same PScribe that I used then it's just built - MTBell

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into Word and you can use all the Word functions. Auto Correct is a tool built into Word that allows expansions. It's very easy to use. In Word go to Tools, Auto Correct and you'll see it. I actually have Auto Correct set as a separate tool bar so I can easily add things.
My understanding is PScribe does not have - sm
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a productivity tool built in. Maybe a different PScribe? They recommend using ShortCut for windows, which opens in a different window, and costs about $90. Does this sound like what you are using or is this something different. Thanks MTBell.

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