A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

Owner complaints about ICs - MAD

Posted: May 13, 2011

Is there anywhere on this website that it is appropriate for owners to post about people who have been ICs with your company and you would like others to know about their work quality, etc?  I am just so fed up with we, as the owners, being put down about we did this or that, but we, as the owners, never have a say about the ones we weed out of our company because of work quality, etc.  Just upset and venting...but I would like to know if there is an area to post this information.

The lion's den - x-MTSO

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I totally get your frustration but I think posting ANYTHING like that on here would be craziness. I get so tired of the MTSO bashing that goes on, especially when most MTs don't have a clue what it takes to BE an MTSO.

I also know a lot of my MTSO friends are finding a lot of MTs (not just ICs) who are bigger legends in their own minds than they are in reality.

Right here, please! Balancing viewpoints and information are in - extremely short supply and much needed.

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And, yes, lots of us suspect a whole lot of posters are much less than they portray themselves, although not necessarily which ones. Every now and then even the most irrational and spiteful ones may just have real problems they didn't create for themselves. Sometimes.

I'm sure lots of people are as embarrassed by many of the shabby and ignorant posts from people claiming to speak for MTs as I am. Likely most mannered people here are like mannered people at a party who just move off quietly when some boor starts up.

Of course, just be careful not to inadvertently identify yourself. Some might just make lions look like house cats in comparison.

Yes, thats what I hate - MAD

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We, being the MTSO's are the bad guys. We do it all. But we are not supposed to voice back. People will tell lies on you, curse you, say your ignorant. Well, when they are dealing with the clients all day, answering phone call after phone call, making sure all the work is in and not then complain to me about your pay, cause we as MTSOs are not making all the big bucks you think we are. You, the typist are making the majority. And please, keep in mind...rates are different in different parts of the country, where in Cali you might be paid 18 cents a line...in a small town in Maine, you might get 6 or 7...its all different. We aren't the bad guys, we try to employee you or have you as an IC, but we get kicked in the teeth while you think you're gold. If it weren't for those of us who run things you'd be SOL!
that's what I hate - nina
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We don't all think this way, and I don't appreciate being included in with those who do talk bad about MTSO's!!!! . . . or any hospital for that matter. There are some of us "transcriptionists" who do appreciate our jobs. Of course, we would like to make more money, who wouldn't, but that doesn't mean that we all talk bad about "the higherups." I used to be in management at my hospital, so I know what it's like to be talked about and called names, it's not fun, but that's the chance you take if you want the job.
An MT here - who has just started
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I know of what you are speaking. As a new person, it is really disheartening to me to see these types of posts where other MTs are bashing the MTSO. I'm looking for steady work and have taken and finished an internship to boost my knowledge. Still scrimping and hoping to find that job. No, I'm not perfect obviously, but my scoring on tests has been high. When I see bashing posts, it makes me wonder who to apply to. I know I'll be an MT worth having..just get nervous reading all this dismal stuff. Would like to know there is an MTSO out there that would hire and pay and I'd be happy. No bashing on the boards for me.
The worst of those complaining MT posts are very poorly written - sm
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I always read those messages. Some of them are very poorly written. An MT complaining about management and bragging about how great their own skills are should know how to spell, at least. I write those off as being someone who probably got fired for poor work.
Let me add that companies who make unfair policies deserve criticism - sm
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Sometimes a company will just keep kicking its MTs. They change policies at the drop of the hat, not caring that this is the livelihood of some of these MTs and it means taking food off their tables. They deserve criticism.

So true - humble MT

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Your statement about legends in their own minds is so true.

I've been MTing for almost 40 years, but with everything expected of us (including in some cases being held to a higher standard in our contribution to turning out a perfect document than RNs, PAs, and even doctors), every day I consider myself a newbie.

When she was training me, a former supervisor raved about a certain MT's production. When I referred to that MT's reports for reference, I was quite disappointed. Zion stent... etc. etc. But, hey, she did over 8000 lines per week after only 2 weeks!!!

I consider myself to be a good transcriptionist because I don't type anything I can't document, even if it's on another MT's report, and I will sacrifice time to research even though I only have an 8-hour window for 8 hours of work. I consider it another word in my Word Expansion Bank. I also actually have BOOKS!!! Unfortunately they can't keep up like the Internet, but things like maze procedure versus Maze are easily documented in Stedman's.

Of course, I am human and have made my share of expansion and just dumb leaving out word errors and probably more. I know it's no excuse, but when working on production, mindless errors are just going to happen on a hopefully minimal scale. However, to consciously type something one does not know or has not documented is the worst MT error, in my very humble, non-MTSO opinion.

I don't know what company you or OP were/are MTSO for, but IMO, this board is only going to reflect negative feedback. That's not a bad thing, but just the nature of any feedback. Do you call your exterminator and tell him he killed the bugs? Or do call to say he didn't?

I love my MTSO. I think they do their best in the most important thing for me, which is consistent work for MTs. This tells me they understand how important it is to MTs, employees or ICs (and as human living beings paying bills) to have work. Really just a basic concept and something that does take a little work to refine. But that's their job.

Anyhow, my MTSO isn't mentioned here much and when it is, usually the only complaint is that MTs have to keep a strict schedule, and not a surprise with workflow being near-perfect. Although I wish I had more flexibility, I prefer working and having a stable work flow.

As for second-guessing the MTSO? I definitely do that. There are things they do I just don't understand and think I could do it better. But I have no desire to go there ;-)

Don't you think most of the bashing is of the - larger MTSOs? NM

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maybe, but - humble MT
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from what I see it's companies who don't have the competence or don't care enough to staff properly. Or change their pay scale without proper notice.

I guess larger MTSOs are going to get more traffic since there are more MTs.

I think there are large MTSOs that are mentioned very rarely here.

With decreased demand for MTs (considering the insurance crisis, loss of jobs and insurance coverage, and local governments cutting social programs resulting in lower hospitalizations) the MTs who do have jobs and are treated fairly, no matter the size of the MTSO, are considering themselves lucky and not biting the hand in any way.

I don't know what is large any more. So, I really can't comment to that. Quality versus quatity?
NM, as Humble says, more people work there, but the kind of - spiteful irrational attacks this thread is about
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are intrinsic to that particular sort of person, no matter where she or he works. We all vary tremendously in our respect for truth, our capacity for malice, and in our willingness, even ability, to consider any needs other than our own, plus, of course, our personal standards of conduct.
Bashing - anon
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I am MT for 25 years. I don't pay any attention to the MTSO bashing that goes on here. How can one make a decent line count if one is always on a message board stirring the pot? Also, the industry is changing and more competitive for jobs than ever before. Maybe some people are bashing because their motive is to keep applicants away, ensuring more job stability for them. Like I said, I don't get involved in the bashing threads and don't really pay any attention, except to think wow, I would never make any money if I spent my day on any board, means I am not transcribing.
Good point! I also wonder how the constant bashers ever get any work done - nm
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My MTSO has overstaffed their accounts to the max, so I sit there WAITING for jobs. Check this board-- there are TONS of MTs doing exactly that.
That's probably true in some cases but some were complaining before the overstaffing hit - See Comment
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Also, some companies remove work from people when they aren't doing a good job. We don't know from reading these messages which of the posters are out of work for no fault of their own and which ones are being taken off the schedule because they do poor work, kind of like being fired.
ROFL! They would keep a crappy MT on the payroll!? - LMAO
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What a ludicrous assertion! So an MTSO is going to keep a crappy MT around -- FOR WHAT!?

I'm a former MTSO owner, so don't even try to go that with that crap with me.
Thanks for the laugh though!!
Yes, I know of some who do keep ICs and just stop sending work to them - sm
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It's much easier than just telling the person they are fired, because they are Independent Contractors. They just simply stop getting work assigned to them, which is good encouragement for them to find something else to do. You may be a former bigshot, and you are free to laugh all you want and use all the vulgar language you want, but that's the way it is.
Within forum standards. - LMAO
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Look around this board. You will see many posts containing the same "vulgar" language, as you put it. This board is strictly moderated, and if it were that objectionable it would be deleted. Maybe you're too priggish.

As for the ICs, most of the MTs I know -- and probably a large percentage on this board -- who complain of no work are EMPLOYEES. There is one service in particular who is horrible about overstaffing their accounts, and those workers are EMPLOYEES not ICs.

Just because you know of ONE instance where a lousy IC was kept hanging, don't assume that everyone on here with no work is (1) An IC. and (2) A terrible MT.

That's what you SUITS on here do all the time -- BLAME THE MT no matter what! To lay the blame at their/our feet is not only illogical but asinine.
Well, how passive aggressive is that? Are you - sure that they would SM
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do that? Nevermind, of course they would. Why not act like a professional business and deal with someone who is doing poor work head on? Is it because if someone quits, they wouldn't quality for UI? This seems illegal to me.
Maybe. Many laws labor laws have been dismantled. I do know "encouraging" - people to leave on their own that way happens.NM
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We also can't name the really great MTSOs or they will be hit with hundreds of applications - sm

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Sometimes we say something good about a company, not naming it. Other posters will pressure us, "If that company is so good and if you are really telling the truth, which we doubt, because all MTSOs are bad, just give us the name of that good MTSO, or we'll know you're not telling the truth and you're probably a 'suit' too."

We all know that MTSOs don't really want us to give their names, even if we are saying good things about them. They will get hundreds of applications from people who don't know how to transcribe. They won't be happy with anyone who works for them if they put their name out there in public for that reason. That makes for a bit of a one-sided story.
Exactly! sm - anon
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When I find a good fit, my lips are sealed, except for a few close MT friends I have known for years. I hate it that it has come to this point.
And..... sm - anon
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If someone is so unhappy, keep testing until you find a fit. I have taken about 10 tests in 2 months' time. There are plenty of job postings, if anyone is so unhappy, just get another job for gosh sakes.
And there are SO MANY of them, right? - Incredulous
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Oh yes, there are COUNTLESS wonderful, fantastic MTSOs who don't pay Third World wages, have superlative platforms, provide adequate training, and are just drowning in work because they have NOT overstaffed their accounts! There are SO many of them, in fact, that MTSOs have a FABULOUS reputation as TERRIFIC employers!! And EVERYONE is IN ON the big CONSPIRACY to KEEP THEIR NAMES A SECRET.

Reply to incredulous - Anon
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Why are you so-called, "shouting." Yes, you are right, there is a great big conspiracy here to hide our names, I bet you had a hard time in grade school, incredulous. So sorry for your given name and your bitterness - I hear lowe's and home depot hire a lot this time of year. Hope you find some peace, I sincerely do.

You hit the nail right on the head with one of your comments - sm

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You said that a lot of MTs are bigger legends in their own minds than they are in reality. As a new MT, I used to listen to other MTs with more experience talk about how good they were. Years later I realized that, they weren't. There is no way to measure or judge just how good someone is unless they are skill tested. The CMT serves that purpose for those who have taken it. If a person has the skills to pass that test, they have the right to brag, as far as I'm concerned, if their claims of being a CMT can be verified. I know there are people who have claimed to be CMTs or "certified" when they in all actuality just went to a bad school that told everyone they were 'certified' when they finished and they've been calling themselves CMTs ever since. Are others just as good? Of course, but there is no way to know that unless they are skills tested. There is nothing available other than the CMT.

I've always been able to read through the lines - sm

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When I read complaints about companies, I keep in mind that there are usually 2 sides to most stories. I also know that most people who are happy don't post, but people who are unhappy do. That said, I also know there are companies that are abusive, QA people who don't know what they are doing, supervisors who are on power trips, etc.

Most of us know that if someone is fired, they will be angry. They will lash out at the company that fired them. We'll never know what happened behind the scenes.

Most of us also know that some companies aren't paying fair rates. We know that some have arrogant, condescending, supervisors who treat the MTs as if they were inferior.

We can read through the lines. Many of us do.

dear owner . . . - just my 2 cents

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I have worked as an IC for a great small MTSO for almost 5 years. The lady who owns it is wonderful!!!! I worked for her and then left due to family issues (left on good terms) and then when looking for some extra income contacted her and she gladly accepted me back. She pays well, pays fair, and pays on time, and one day I would love to meet her. Not all ICs hate their MTSOs and not all MTSOs hate their ICs. Some of us really like you guys!!

Thank You! You are not alone - JWT

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I am having a very hard time finding qualified MTs. Out of the last six new graduates I hired, only one was worth keeping. It seems these schools are pumping out a bunch of very underqualified people who need much more education. We MTSOs do not have the time or resources to train these people and may as well hire off the street if we had this much time. I really do feel sorry for some of these people as they really got ripped off by some of these schools, but I have a business to run and think that people should really research before they spend that much money on education.

Out of the last 4 experienced MTs I have hired, again, only one was worth keeping. Some were so set in their ways that client preference did not matter to them and it was a nightmare, and one I did not know how they had lasted in this field for the 6 years they say they had been an MT because of the poor quality of work, but then it seems she did change jobs often.

Don't even get me started on schedules. Many ICs seem to think they can work whenever they feel like it regardless of when the work is available. If you don't want to work when needed, then why go into acute care MT in the first place as hospitals are a 24-hour business. The ones who only want to work when they feel like it should do clinic work only, but even then there is usually some time frame this work has to be done in.

There, done venting.

Someone who runs a school told me she doesn't - teach semicolons and tells all students to

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just not use that key, it's defunct. (!) Apparently the concept was just too foreign and confusing to too many.

That was a big alarm going off for me. If they've never known what a semicolon was or how to use it, what other deficiencies do some of these students bring with them? Never read much beyond what's required so are not fast at that and headed for a crash at editing? Struggling to remember where commas go because understanding why hasn't become second nature?

It's obvious that many people without adequate talent for this work to begin with, who could have developed talents they do have, are being encouraged to enter the field anyway, in addition to being inadequately trained also. As you said, ripped off--then ushered out to fall off a cliff.

There are two sides to the coin - tired MT

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You say it here yourself, it is hard to find good transcriptionists who can type a document properly. The going rate for this good transcriptionist has gone down. My first IC job was paying me 14 cents per line and now after 16 years I am being paid 8.25 cent per line, filling in all the demographics for free, adding notes for free, researching for free, because I am only getting paid while my fingers are typing in the program. Lets not forget when a doctor dictates a sentence or a paragraph and then decides he/she wants to "redictate it" all for free.

This is the only line of work that pays less for years of experience. I don't purposely try to make mistakes but they do happen, sometimes I don't catch in the heading the study is left foot and in the body of the report he says right. You can't shop at Macy's and pay Walmart prices. If I didn't have to type so fast to try to make a decent wage I might be able to give you that "perfect document" you are wanting for next to nothing.

I am dedicated to my field of work but I am more dedicated to my family who counts on me to help put the food on the table and pay the bills.

This is not a job that you can hire someone just off the street and put them to work but we are being paid as if you can.

I have worked for the same MTSO for the past year. I am an employee, and he is not one of the "great companies" to work for but since hiring on with him the line rate has gone down at 6-7 cents per line.

Bottom line is you get what you pay for. I am not asking to get rich off this job but I am asking to be paid for my years of experience and the quality of my work.

You want to blame the schools for not teaching correctly. You can't teach every aspect of this job. That comes with time and experience. You want to blame the MT's for their ego being overinflated. I am sure that is true but when you get a "good transcriptionist" do you pay them what they are worth? Again you get what you pay for. If that is having a bad attitude then put me on that list. You don't work for free and neither do I.

Sounds like my experience - x-MTSO

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"I am having a very hard time finding qualified MTs."

This is primarily what caused me to close my doors. I'd gotten to the point where I was taking people who had great "secretarial" skills and training them from scratch for MT. But the time that took to do meant I couldn't find enough good people to keep my accounts covered.

Or the days/nights/weekends when I had to continue working 12-14 hours a day because the MTs (employees) who were supposed to be working, were only working their minimum lines regardless that there was tons more work.

I was a smaller service owner (15-20 employees) but I can see why the very large services are over-staffing. The balancing act between having good, quality MTs with the ebb and flow of work, caused many sleepless nights (and an ulcer) for me.

And my MTs were all like family to me. I worried about making sure they had work, had the things they needed to be productive, had flexibility to deal with their family lives.

I have to admit, when I made the decision to close, the core group of MTs I had and I shared many tears. But now as an MT myself, I sleep at night, the ulcer is gone, and I know I'm the kind of MT I wanted working for me.

Your story is sadly unsurprising, X. Do you - feel a lot of bad people came into this field

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when it went home, or was it always like this?
went home? - x-mtso
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I've done this since the mid 70s and worked from home. So to think the "went home" theory is a recent thing, no, don't think so.

IMO, the problems began when schools began popping up left and right with the promise of astounding wages and the ability to raise kids, and run the family all while working were encouraged. Schools produced shoddy workers who then started hitting up hospitals, offices, and clinics undercutting the wages. IMO, THAT is when the downhill slide began in earnest, I'd say mid to late 90s.
In my experience, it starts earlier than that - High schools and colleges have stopped teaching
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I am in a position where I see tests of high school and college graduates. It is absolutely shocking how little they know when they graduate. I'm not sure what they are learning, but they have obviously chosen not to teach or grade spelling or grammar. Attitudes? Forget it! They have the belief that they are entitled to have things given to them. You don't dare correct an error. They are not used to being criticized. I suppose that's because schools are afraid of lawsuits if students complain to parents. I don't think there is any material to work with anymore. The people I am seeing are not in any way prepared to go into any kind of training in which they are expected to have a foundational knowledge of grammar or spelling.
Well, when large #s graduate not knowing what a semicolon is...! - I have seen the semiliterate rate estimated at
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anywhere from 5% to 50%, depending on the standard set. 5% for puzzling out a simple job application, 50% for those who are technically literate but avoid reading when they can because inadequate practice/skill makes it a chore.

As it happens, I entered when X-MTSO saw the big slide take off. :) It was the end of the 1990s, so I don't have a long perspective at all. I was always on production pay through services, and expanders and SR started coming into common use soon after.

That's also why, when I said "went home," I was thinking strictly of employees like me who could just wander over in jammies, work a while, then send electronically. Not of the enterprise involved in getting one's own clients or even of having to pick up and deliver tapes. About when did my particular version of working at home start do you guys think?

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Regarding Complaints About Waiting For Work To Make Min. Line Count.
Jul 21, 2011

A couple of year ago, the company I was working for was off-shoring all they could, which left many of us without work.  We were required to clock in, out, in, out, in, out........ during our shift, but had to do so many hours and so many lines.  When it go next to impossible, and I was working days, nights, and weekends to try to make the minimum, I complained to my AM and asked that we bring in a third party on this issue, as I was not being supplied with the minimum amount of work r ...

Recent Complaints Suggesting S/l "larameets" Phenomenon
Dec 05, 2011

recent complaints suggesting s/l "larameets" phenomenon ...

Complaints About "team Leader"
Aug 10, 2014

Who do you complain to when you have complaints about a team leader?  Every time I find that I have to deal with mine (which I don't do unless I really NEED something), she says she will do all this wonderful stuff and then does absolutely nothing.  This is the third time, and this time she has danced off on vacation without dealing with what she assured me she would deal with last week.  When I tried to prod her mid week, she said she had to deal with more "critical" issues ...

Knee Complaints S/l "back Knee" And Buckle
Dec 03, 2009

doc says pt complaining of knee wanting to s/l "back knee" and buckle.  ...