A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

The small business owner side of things - Southeasterner

Posted: Mar 24, 2014

I received a very sad email from a woman who stated (and I believe her) that she was a former MT with more than 2 decades of experience.  She was upset  at the pay scale listed in an advertisement she saw seeking independent contractors.  I own a very small transcription company which like so many others in our industry struggles to stay afloat.  It's true that wages are not what they once were in the heyday of medical transcription, but neither are the rates that clients were once willing to pay in a more robust economy coupled with our offshore competition.  After paying an office manager, proof reader, mileage to and from client sites, server and software fees...no, it doesn't come to us small owners for free...along with Error and Omissions Insurance and an ever increasing power bill it's been very hard to stay afloat.  Most of our MTs work part time.  Some home school their kids, others work in education and type during the evenings.  What we offer is certainly not for someone who needs to make their sole income on typing.  There have been months when we've had to forgo our own paycheck in order to make certain that our MTs were taken care of because we were waiting for clients to pay their invoices. We've also gone through a personal experience with cancer and all of the frustration and expense that entails.  I don't write this for anyone to have pity on me nor to rationalize what we do, but it should be known that most small business owners are good people who try to do their best in what is arguably the worst economy in our lifetimes.  Business owners take on the risk of failure.  We don't clock out, no one pays our benefits, we don't take governmental assistance and our government certainly doesn't look out for us regardless of the party in office.  I hope anyone who reads this chooses to look at all sides of business iissues in our profession and as Saint Francis said, "seeks to understand as to be understood."  I don't normally respond to self righteous criticism, but it's been a heckuva month and we're doing our level best to raise our family and take care of our associates in the only manner in which we're currently capable. Have a great week.

Small business owner - mtinmi

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I understand what you are saying, but you are now suffering the pain companies such as yours caused by going in and taking over in-house transcription by offering a less expensive way to do the work. Yes, technology has had a large part in the demise of transcription, but this all began with the MTSO. Maybe you didn't outsource to India but many did. So don't whine about what you are going through, your type of business caused more pain than you can imagine.

small business owner - pookatina

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As I look at myself too, taking this at home job, I realize that those of us working at home have taken jobs away from someone else who had better pay and benefits and they lost our job to us, so we could work at home to be paid per line with no benefits, etc. as contractors, so now that we're facing our problems maybe we got what was coming to us. It just isn't a business worth working in anymore, too many worries and too low a pay.

small business owner - mtinmi

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I am not referring to those of us working, I am referring to the services that go in and then offer the in-house transcriptionists a job for peanuts because they are taking all the work. Most facilities used services for "overflow" work, which was necessary but it went way beyond that.

Pain - Southeasterner

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Actually, I didn't take over in-house transcription, rather started with small practices and grew with them, but I understand your frustration and am sorry you felt I was whining. Thanks for your post. :)

Southeastener - mtinmi

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First of all, let me apologize for being rude and assuming you had taken over in-house transcription jobs. It sounds as if you have suffered the same as us MTs from those large companies. No I do not understand the business side. I do hope things improve for you not only business-wise but in your personal life as it sounds as if you have had a hard road to travel.

Now thats the kind of owner I would like to work for. - Hard working and honest.

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Very refreshing!

I appreciate your post. - sm

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Thank you, OP, for posting such an honest letter. I don't think it's the small businesses like yours that took our profession down the dumpster. I think it's the huge companies, the ones whose managers have never transcribed a word in their lives, the greedy ones who could easily pay their MTs better but instead live in luxurious homes and drive expensive cars.

I believe every word you say, OP. As Americans, we have the right to be entrepreneurs and own businesses. It used to be the American dream. Nowadays, it's more of nightmare.

Southeasterner - Old Pro

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As a former MTSO, I just wanted to give you some support. I finally left the profession after a huge squid ate my clients. I think many MTs, as good as they may be at MT, do not have much knowledge about the business side of things, and many of them tend to paint all MTSOs with the same huge, unthinking brush. They do not realize that some of us really went out of our way to pay fair wages (11 cpl!), that we cared about those we worked with, we fought for their rights (I have taken on the AHDI more than once, back in its prior incarnation as AAMT), and that we have been hurt as much from the giant companies as have the MTs themselves. When I see a post that says "Those d**n MTSOs," I cringe. Yes, there are those companies out there. Yes, there are dishonest MTSOs (and MTs as well) out there. But I truly wish that we could get rid of this "us" and "them" mentality. I have a good friend who is the owner of a mid-sized MTSO and she is struggling. So it isn't like you just become an MTSO, hang out your shingle, and make your downpayment on a Bentley. It isn't that way now, and really never was. Anyway, just to say I support you. I am glad to be old and retired, enjoying Dobermans and Rotties.

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