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So what is new and improved with Mail and other complaints - ververyoldMQMT

Posted: Jun 29, 2010

So, due to decreased pay constantly going down the spiral staircase, I could not pay my Charter internet DSL any longer.  I had to go to dial up because AT&T does not have DSL in my little spit of property.  IT IS A NIGHTMARE!!   I changed my schedule to graveyard so I would not be disconnected everytime someone calls me.  I don't have the money to pay for an extra line.  Charter wanted $89 a month for DSL only.   Of course, they wanted me to bundle for $79 for a year.   What part did they not understand, I NEED coverage on phone and everytime the power goes out so did my phone.   Oh well.   We cannot get cell phone coverage in our house, have to walk 500 yards up or down the street....  So now today I try to get in to MQ Mail and it gave me that message.  Thank you MTStars and fellow MQers, because if it was not for u I would not have known how to re-enter info needed to get my mail.  I just love the Qs instructions  (NOT)...  So, what was the big deal.  I thought we were supposed to be getting improved services.  It is even slower than before.  Of course, i got the spiel about production blah blah blah.   Now with the dial up my production is shot because it takes so long to up and download. 

To top it off, I am a very unwell person, but have no insurance bcuz I am PT.  Today I was "divorced" from my doctor's service because I missed an appointment this morning that was made 3 months ago.  I did not get a call to remind me, and they advised me I would have to pay $30 to get back care with him.  This is the County Health Department Clinic for crying out loud.  

If I was fired (18 year employee by the way) i could at least get Medicaid.  It burns me there are people in this country that do not have to work ever, don't ever pay taxes and get free cell phones, free rent, free doctor care of whatever they need.  Because I make a measley salary, I get nothing!!  

Right now, I hate life.  But, gotta remember my Faith.   Sorry my friends and fellow MQers.  I really did need to vent...

Boy oh boy can I relate! - burned up and out

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I am also IRATE over the fact that people get free everything and I work my behind off to get nothing, not even a tax break.

My husband and I pay 600 per month for health insurance and still have to pay the first 4000 medical and an additional 400 in drug coverage.

I hate life too!

Now, have you thought about Magic Jack so that you do not have to work night shift? Not sure how it works but someone else might know.

I am sorry about your situation and I will be praying for you.

Angry too, but really - Spherite

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what is it you need that you don't have?

Think hard about that.

I also really hate what has become of a job that I used to like, but I don't hate life.

LIFE is good. It's just this job that sucks.

ververyoldMQMT - Nature

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Dear ververyoldMQMT: I feel your pain how disperate you feel. I am there with you, as I am part time also. I also no longer get insurance and cannot afford the 6 meds I am suppose to be on. I had to semi retire at age 62 so I could have some income other than MQ. It is worth it to be without all the above just to have some release from the stress being full time. I am suppose to go to the doctor every 6 months, as I had uterine cancer, but I can no longer afford to go. I, like you, trust in my Heavenly Father to carry me through what I cannot get through myself. Life is so hard, I know, but He has carried me through the loss of my granddaughter, cancer, loss of a good income a few years ago. I am not allowed to make more than a gross income of $1,400 from my job and my retirement (Social Security). After paying my rent and bills, I hardly have enough for any food. I have found a free food program (mostly dairy, veg, and fruit) where you can bring a basket (laundry) and fill it up, but we also need to remember there are other people who need food too, so I will only take what I actually NEED and not what I want. I will be going for the first time this Saturday, and I am actually excited for even a little bit of food. We can get through this life and not be defeated. If nothing else, I have learned that needing and wanting are 2 different things. I have learned to be gratful for receiving what I need in life. I pray for all of us here at MQ every night and morning. If we think we have it hard, think of the people who live in huts and have to walk MILES every day just for drinking water, and are lucky to get a couple of rice cakes a day. Actually even though we think we have it hard, compared to many other countries, we have it good. I will continue to pray for us. Please do the same.

This sort of cr@p shouldnt be happening to people - in your situation in this country! sm

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And yet so many hardworking MTs are in a similar situation! It's appalling that someone who has paid their dues, and worked their posterior off all these years, can't get some kind of a break if their health is failing and they can't work full time.

And even full time MTs are in dire straits in the US. This is a country that was supposedly built on freedom and an equal chance for all, and yet all it is these days is that the RICH and POWERFUL get the freedom and the equal chances in life, and those of us who work for them get nothing but STEPPED-ON. Our country has become too big, too greedy, and there are far too many cracks for all those "little people" who just try to do a day's work in order to live, to fall through.

I hope things get better for you soon! (And I hope the entire evil sweatshop MT industry implodes on itself, and fizzles out in a ball of black smoke.)

nature - nan

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On the part about uterine cancer followup, in my state we have a BCCC program that you can get Pap tests and mammograms through and if there is anything wrong, they pay for your followups and such. Not sure if it is a state funded program (Michigan) or federal. You might check with your health department and see if there is some type of program like that to keep up on your uterine cancer followups. Good luck

Where do you live? Maybe - Spherite

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I (or someone else) can help you figure something out. There is help for social situations like yours. You MUST do your cancer followups. What state are you in?

Without Faith I would give up - Adios

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Wow, sounds like we are all in the same boat today. I am also very down. I work full time. My husband is retired but had to go to work at Walmart to attempt to make ends meet. IRS is breathing down our necks because we dared use some IRA money and it really messed up our taxes. Sold a house short sale and now we learn if we settle with the bank on the shortage, the difference gets reported as income. Ya, no more house, would still have a payment AND get hit with more income we do not have. Just seems some days like there is not enough hope to get out of bed. Luckily in my very rural area we have a local internet provider for 50 bucks a month and luckily I am still able to work full time so I have health insurance. End of lucky. Now my daughter is getting married. How do we possibly do this? I am just in tears trying to make it all work. Just want to give up.

If I did not have my faith and scripture to tell me not to give up, pretty sure I would. But I know God is good and yes, we are still considered wealthy to a lot of third-world people. I guess our IRS even still considers me wealthy, because until I drain every resource I have, they still say I have enough assets to pay them.

Wish we could all get together for our own prayer sessions. Sounds like we all need it very badly.

To Adios: - AW

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Just some info that you could check in to. We had to short sale our house about 3 years ago because of the rising payment and at that time George Bush had passed some bill that you are able to right off that missing part of the sale of your home and not count it as income. we had an accountant do our taxes that year and we didnt have to claim it so maybe you should look into that. Hope this helps a little and good luck to all of you

Thanks for the info - Adios

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Of course it was the bank and IRS who told us this. Can't count on them to be looking out for our best interest. I will check with an accountant and see.

Hope Obama did not take that help away from us. We have found so far we have fallen through every crack in all the stimulus/bail-out stuff going on.

Thanks again.

I hear ya. I work all day, 6 days a week. I get - just one day to myself. And yet - sm

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lately I'm so depressed come my day off, and so worried about finances and where the money's gonna come from, that on my only day off, I end up doing NOTHING. Or even worse, WORKING.

I sincerely hope the Corporate Jet takes a nice little nosedive into the Atlantic, someday. It would make my day.

I hear ya - Adios

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Ya, I didn't even mention I took on a second job, besides my full-time job here to make it. At least I actually enjoy the second job.

I tell you, on days like today, I just find a quiet place, and thank God I live in an area with several beautiful, untouched places, and I just pour it all out to God, then just take in all the beauty, and it gives me the strength to get back up and keep trying.

There are days where I just really feel myself sinking though. Today was one of those days, and so my heart really went out to the other posters, because I know that feeling so well.

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