A community of 30,000 US Transcriptionist serving Medical Transcription Industry

SDVOSB company owner... - Wow

Posted: Apr 08, 2015

This should make a handful of VA Hospitals proud! Nothing like handling business matters in the grey bar hotel. 


and transgender? Used to be Jack wow nm - oh my

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link to mug from 3-15 inside - oh my

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link below

What is the SDVOSB and. sm - Anon

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who is this person?

SDVOSB - still typing

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Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business (SDVOSB). Also "woman" owned, heehee....I actually applied for an opening there a few months back but turned it down because they required you to have $300K liability insurance (said the VA required it for ICs), and also their software was a trial copy that you'd have to pay for later? Sounds like it all caught up with him...

Thanks for the info. sm - Anon

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I guess some people who post think everyone knows what every acronym stands for. It would be nice to post a small blurb explaining what their post is about.

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