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Are we getting more and more complaints now - that we have moved to a

Posted: Feb 20, 2013

new TSM and new QC and it seems as though we are all doing wrong all of a sudden?  on accounts that are always complaining? and we are always out of work.  or is it just me?

its their own darned fault - keep us bouncing

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The want the errors to stop, then stop bouncing us around from account to account. This is ridiculous! They wanna keep TAT at 100% and keep us bouncing, they are going to get a ton of errors! OH WELL... their own fault.

You are correct. - sm

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I have been in more "trouble" and done things wrong on accounts in the last 4 or so months since that big firing/reorgnization that you would think I was some new clueless MT when in fact I had years of a perfectly flawless record until then.

For some reason MM can't understand that keeping - sm

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people on the same account provides the best accuracy and quality. This is such a no brainer and MM just doesn't get it. It's all about TAT and not quality with them.

Good to know it's not just me. New TSM & QA too. - North MT

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I feel like I'm being set up. Suddenly getting all sorts of "errors". One of which I sent a reply stating that what I typed was what I heard. This week I so wanted to reply with some nastiness because the the error complaint was so ridiculous. The last error note was the result of being bounced around different accounts all night and the fact some CPs are so poorly written, poorly organized and difficult to find/see some of the details. Because of this proliferation of error notices, I am leaving more blanks, and with today's note, I am going to be leaving a lot more blanks.

Our group has been told we have had a big dip in quality which I think likely is related to ASR. Just too many corrections to be made and too tedious which raises the probability of errors. Add to that, with all this account jumping, there is little to nil chance to become accustomed to a dictator, especially the difficult ones. Add to that poor sound. Recently and very surprisingly, I did F11, and the sound quality improved!

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