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Need help before answering an email. sm - at wits end

Posted: Nov 10, 2009

Sorry so long - but I have to vent and try to get some help with this issue.

I have been working for a company for nearly a year now - started as an MT, moved up to editor, and recently started with a new account we brought on as a QA Lead.

The account is voice recognition to begin with and with all fresh doctors, it really is horrific at this point - so we are definitely struggling until the voice engine does better.  The company has started to hire MTs to act as first round editors - most of these MTs have little or no experience in the field.  It slipped out at a team meeting with the management that they were hired because "they were a less expensive alternative until the voice engine really kicks in with the speech rec". 

The client is not the best.  They have openly admitted that they have been through 6 - yes 6 - transcription companies in the past 12 months and just "can't seem to find one that works well for them."  I now know why!  They are very difficult to deal with.

Daily we beg for patient lists, as the live demographic feed is not available for this account, yet we are responsible for verifying the patient information from the daily patient list.

If the list arrives (after asking upwards of 4-5 times daily) it does so after 60% of the work has been transcribed).  When we have jobs ready to go to the client they are still waiting on demographic verification - but the client is screaming, where is the work??

My supervisor - who is a really nice person - could not make a decision if her life depended on it.  I try to give her everything I have and really take the time to dedicate myself to the work, but she is very unsure of her own management skills and it really shows. 

I do get very frustrated when we are sitting there waiting on information from the client to complete jobs and she asks me - why are these about to go out of turnaround?  Are you not watching things closely? What can you do to help move this along? What can I do to help you move this along?

She calls my house constantly when she is not on IM with me.  I can't get my work done for answering her constant questions - which are often repetitive and absolutely immaterial to what we are doing.

This morning, there were major issues with the platform (gotta love Dictaphone) and my system kept locking up.  So I sent her an IM letting her know I was going to reboot - to which she replied - ok no problem, let me know when you are back up.  I rebooted my computer and before it had the chance to even load my desktop, she is on the phone with me asking me when I will be back online and going again.  I mean literally, this was less than 60 seconds after I told her and she acknowledged the fact I was rebooting my computer.

Frustrated, and in poor form on my part, I snapped at her saying when the system loads I will personally IM you and let you know.  She hung up the phone.

Then I get an email wherein she asks me to "adjust my attitude" and "email me and let me know what you can do on your end to help with your attitude today so that it does not cross over into the workplace."

How would I even begin to respond to this?  They will not give me what I need to do my job yet hold me responsible for things not flowing smoothly. 

Am I missing something?  Am I the one with the problem?  Suggestions?

I don't think it needs a reply. You've been reprimanded. The e-mail is just being sarcas - lhfg

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I'm a little more bold than the OP who has responded ... - sm

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I would tell her my attitude will adjust when she does not immediately call me for the same issue she just acknowledged via e-mail or IM.

apologize - bugged

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I think you need to reply with an apology. take the opportunity to air some of your concerns and reiterated to her that you were very frustrated with the system problems and everything else that is going on and state that you are sorry you allowed the stress to come over in the form of what she perceived as attitude. Remind her that you normally do not conduct yourself in that manner and that you would like for her to be mindful in the future of the stressors your company is dealing with daily as a whole...... i am sure she will understand........

I agree with both posts from bugged - (sm)

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I don't know all the particulars of your circumstances, but if you need the job or will need this woman as a reference at some point in the future for a job, best to go with bugged's methods here.

I would just NOT ANSWER THE PHONE. - The supe sounds like rubber room material.

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e-mail help - metoo

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Agree it does not require a reply. However, you could reply that you are sure she is under a lot of stress and sympathize, but that you do your best work when you are not interrupted so much. Try to make it nice if you have to work there. Otherwise, let her have it!


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I would come off to her as having the utmost professionalism that any one person could possibly have. Rise above her pettiness and "attitude adjustment" comments and be the bigger person. If you get into a cat fight with this person, who is going to win? I would be the best example of a PROFESSIONAL MT that I could be by showing her how a REAL supervisor conducts herself......... rise above. You will win every time....

When my supervisor cops a 'tude on me, I just - completely ignore her communications

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for a few days, all the while buckling down and really cranking out the work. Just to give her a little idea of what can be accomplished when she leaves me the H___ alone.

oh man - deenibeeni

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I would tell her that my attitude is now adjusted & because of this I am no longer able to suffer under her abuse, & that I wish her luck finding someone with an unadjusted attitude to continue working for her.

Work - Viking Fan

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A couple of things:

1. She was not cut out to be a supervisor. I've had the type. Every time an office manager left the medical office where I did billing in CT, the doctor's wife asked me to take the position. I told her no. I'm not cut out to be management material. I'm just too tenderhearted and can stress out too easily.
2. You're both stressed out.
3. Your company is cheap and you have crappy software that locks up on you while you're trying to get you work done.

Honestly, I'd think about changing jobs.

At wits end - This is a great opportunity for you - Fingers

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I mean she did ask, didn't she? Well answer her. Please be professional and polite. You really aired your grievances here quite well. Why not do that with her (except the part about her not doing her job well).

Start by being apologetic, but tell her you are glad she asked, that you could very well use HER assistance. You should put in written form all of the problems you are having, why, and what you think should be done about them, or what would help until that could be accomplished. Explain to her that due to all of the circumstances you mentioned, that you will need extra support from management because you are unable to effectively do your job.

I do not do a lot of job hopping. I tend to hang in there with employers, even through some pretty tough times. If you think this situation is going to improve, if you like the company, and you can see a good future there, then try to work this out now - again apologetically, professionally, honestly, and with respect. Based on what I read in your post, it appears that you could do this quite well. Just tell her you are upset because you can not do your job efficiently and productively because of ...... Then turn the table and ask her what she thinks she can do to help you? She is your boss, right?

The next thing you probably need to do is get away from your job for a few hours. Soak in a bath. Have a cocktail. Clear your mind. Then go back at it again tomorrow with renewed vigor. Hang in there. I hope it gets better for you. Good luck.

Agree wholeheartedly with Fingers. - CrankyOldBroadOnTheBeach

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However... you also need to start DOCUMENTING EVERY SINGLE THING that is happening, including dates and times of system failures, the fact that you are, in truth, being harassed by your immediate supervisor, you're being reprimanded for not being able to do your work through no fault of your own, and this is leading to a hostile work environment.

If the day comes when you simply cannot tolerate this mess any longer, you will need to be able to prove exactly what was going on, and that you in truth did try to get the situation resolved. You will need all this documentation if you voluntarily quit the job and need to apply for unemployment.

Because one of the few grounds for unemployment eligibility if you voluntarily quit a job is hostile work environment. Yes, you have a job, but they're making it almost impossible for you to DO the job, and the unemployment law does recognize this.

Wits End - One more thing - Fingers

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In the future, when the account is getting out of TAT, e mail your supervisor, tell her why, and ask her if there is anything SHE can do to help. Even if it is the client's fault, let her know you are aware, that you care about it, and you are on the ball. This sort of puts the ball back in her court as to suggestions and dealing with the stress of it.

And then document it some more! - CrankyOldBroadOnTheBeach

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If that had been me, sure as shootin I would - "adjust" HER attitude, but good!

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Ah, well. Shy of that, I'd unplug (or at least turn the ringer off) my phone while working. When she IM'ed to ask why, I'd tell her it's my new policy. And if the IM's got too fast and furious for me to get anything, done, step 2 would be to disable the IM feature while working (if possible) and tell her "e-mail me; I'll get back to you when I have time during a break."

What's really sad is the notion that as a supervisor, she's probably making tons more money than you, even though you are competent at your job, and she is not.

Fingers and Cranky are right. - Needs to be Addressed

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This problem needs to be confronted as soon as possible before it gets worse, and the sooner the better. It could make working conditions much better in the future, plus it is the mature and professional thing to do.

The communication and documentation described by the 2 posts, Fingers and Cranky, are essential if you intend to keep your job and be happy with it. Too many people let something like this cheat them out of a good future with a company because they cannot handle or address conflict properly. A negative attitude or avoiding the issue altogether will only make things worse.

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